首页 > 解决方案 > Can the same x509 certificate have two different PEM encoding?


It was my belief that the PEM encoding were unique.

But I have seen that the same certificate can have two different pem versions. Or at least, I have two PEM certificates that contain the same information (serial number, CA issuer etc...) so they should be the same.

Can the same certificate have two different PEM encoding?

标签: x509certificatex509


There are no two different encoding versions for same set of certificate data.

Presentation in PEM may be slightly different. I mean, PEM may include or missing PEM header and footer, Base64-encoded payload may or may not have line breaks after 64 characters, but it doesn't affect the Base64-encoded value, because line breaks are not part of encoding and ignored by Base64 encoder/decoder. The raw value unchanged for single certificate.


Exact PEM format is defined in RFC 1421, but it is not always followed and I see different presentations which can be called PEM as well (even though they don't strictly follow RFC). For example, I saw such as:

-----BEGIN XYX-----
<Base64 string split in 64 chars per line>
<Base64 string split in 64 chars per line>
<Base64 string split in 64 chars per line>
-----END XYZ-----


-----BEGIN XYX-----
<Long Base64 string split in single line (without line breaks>
-----END XYZ-----

or even this:

-----BEGIN XYX-----<Long Base64 string split in single line (without line breaks>-----END XYZ-----

or variations of these formats. Only first example is legit PEM format, while the rest are not-compliant, but can be called PEM, because they have PEM header and footer, and Base64-encoded payload.
