首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 PHPMailer 发送 HTML 格式的邮件


我需要发送包含 PHP 页面内容的电子邮件,但我遇到了麻烦,尽我所能在 HTML 中创建静态格式,但如果明天数据有更多行,电子邮件将不完整,我将分享部分内容我的邮件.php

//The query

    $wipAgingQuery = $dbconnection->query("
        CAST(datein AS DATE) AS [Date_In], 
        COUNT(lab) AS [Count_of_Jobs],
        ROUND(SUM(COUNT(lab)) OVER (ORDER BY datein DESC) * 100.0 / SUM(COUNT(lab)) OVER (),2) AS [Cumulative]
        FROM [DailyWIP].[dbo].[WIP_Daily_Load]
        WHERE location = 'USA' AND dateload BETWEEN CONCAT(CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE),' 11:30:00.000') AND CONCAT(CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE),' 14:00:00.000')
        GROUP BY datein ORDER BY datein DESC;");
        $jobInWip = $wipAgingQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

//Assign Query Result in Variable

    foreach ($jobInWip as $jobInWip) {
        $wipDateIn = $jobInWip -> Date_In;
        $wipCount = $jobInWip -> Count_of_Jobs;
        $wipCumulative = $jobInWip -> Lab_Cumulative;
        $totalJobCount = $totalJobCount + $wipCount; 

//HTML inside the Mailer Body

    <div class='row'>
        <div class='col-12'>
            <h1>Current Day WIP: Aging</h1>
            <table class='table table-bordered'>
                <thead class='thead-dark'>
                        <th>Date In</th>
                        <th>Count of Jobs</th>
                        <th>Lab Cumulative</th>
                            <td><p class='text-right'>$wipCount</p></td>
                            <td><p class='text-right'>$wipCumulative</td>
                        <td>Grand Total:</td>
                        <td><p class='text-right'>$totalJobCount</p></td>

这是原始的 wipdata.php 页面,我可以在其中管理该问题,因为表是由 foreach 根据查询结果创建的,但我不知道如何在 mail.php 中执行类似的操作

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-12">
        <h1>Current Day WIP: Aging</h1>
        <table class="table table-bordered">
            <thead class="thead-dark">
                    <th>Date In</th>
                    <th>Count of Jobs</th>
                    <th>Lab Cumulative</th>
                <?php foreach ($jobInWip as $jobInWip) { ?>
                        <td><?php echo $jobInWip->Date_In ?></td>
                        <td><?php echo '<p class="text-right">'. number_format($jobInWip->Count_of_Jobs) .'</p>' ?></td>
                        <td><?php echo '<p class="text-right">'. number_format($jobInWip->Lab_Cumulative, 2) . ' %' ?></td>
                    <?php $totalJobCount = $totalJobCount + $jobInWip->Count_of_Jobs;
                } ?>
                    <td><?php echo 'Grand Total: ' ?></td>
                    <td><?php echo '<p class="text-right">'. number_format($totalJobCount).'</p>'; ?></td>

标签: phphtmlphpmailer



foreach ($jobInWip as $jobInWip) {
    $wipDateIn = $jobInWip -> Date_In;
    $wipCount = $jobInWip -> Count_of_Jobs;
    $wipCumulative = $jobInWip -> Lab_Cumulative;
    $totalJobCount = $totalJobCount + $wipCount; 

$phpmailer-> Body .="<tr>
                        <td><p class='text-right'>$wipCount</p></td>
                        <td><p class='text-right'>$wipCumulative</td>
