首页 > 解决方案 > VBA公式计算工作时间


我仍然在 VBA 中掌握更复杂的公式。

我想创建一个可以计算某些项目的工作时间的系统。例如,假设我的轮班时间是上午 6 点到下午 330 点。我在 11 月 14 日上午 7 点开始一个项目,并在 11 月 16 日上午 9 点结束。

我将如何进行计算,以便返回值将是我在时钟上工作的时间,而不是滚动的 24 小时计算?(同时尽可能跳过周末?)


Public Function NetWorkHours(dteStart As Date, dteEnd As Date) As Integer
Dim StDate As Date
Dim StDateD As Date
Dim StDateT As Date
Dim EnDate As Date
Dim EnDateD As Date
Dim EnDateT As Date
Dim WorkDay1Start As Date
Dim WorkDay1end As Date
Dim WorkDay2Start As Date
Dim WorkDay2end As Date
Dim Result As Integer
Dim MinDay As Integer

StDate = CDate(dteStart)
EnDate = CDate(dteEnd)

WorkDay1Start = DateValue(StDate) + TimeValue("08:00:00")
WorkDay1end = DateValue(StDate) + TimeValue("17:00:00")
WorkDay2Start = DateValue(EnDate) + TimeValue("08:00:00")
WorkDay2end = DateValue(EnDate) + TimeValue("17:00:00")

If (StDate > WorkDay1end) Then
    StDate = DateAdd("d", 1, WorkDay1Start)
End If
If (StDate < WorkDay1Start) Then
    StDate = WorkDay1Start
End If

If (EnDate > WorkDay2end) Then
    EnDate = DateAdd("d", 1, WorkDay2Start)
End If
If (EnDate < WorkDay2Start) Then
    EnDate = WorkDay2Start
End If

StDateD = CDate(Format(StDate, "Short Date"))
EnDateD = CDate(Format(EnDate, "Short Date"))

If StDateD = EnDateD Then
  Result = DateDiff("n", StDate, EnDate, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek)
    MinDay = (8 * 60) 'Number of minutes of a working day. Change this if you change the start and end times.

    'Extract the time from the two timestamps
    StDateT = Format(StDate, "Short Time")
    EnDateT = Format(EnDate, "Short Time")

' '计算第一天和第二天的分钟。如果开始在下午 5 点之后或结束在早上 8 点之前,还不知道该怎么做 Result = DateDiff("n", StDateT, TimeValue("17:00:00"), vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) Result = Result + DateDiff(" n", TimeValue("08:00:00"), EnDateT, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) '检查两天是否有休息。If DateDiff("n", StDateT, TimeValue("17:00:00"), vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) > (5 * 60) Then Result = Result - 60 End If

    If DateDiff("n", TimeValue("08:00:00"), EnDateT, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) > (5 * 60) Then
        Result = Result - 60
    End If

    'Add 1 day to start date. This is to start the loop to get all the days between both dates.
    StDateD = DateAdd("d", 1, StDateD)

    Do Until StDateD = EnDateD
        'If the date is not a saterday or a sunday we add one day.
        If (Weekday(StDateD) > 1) And (Weekday(StDateD) < 7) Then
            Result = Result + MinDay
            'Check for the holiday. If the date is a holiday, then we remove one day
            If Not IsNull(DLookup("[HolDate]", "Holidays", "[HolDate] = #" & Int(StDateD) & "#")) Then
              Result = Result - MinDay
            End If
      End If
      StDateD = DateAdd("d", 1, StDateD)
End If
NetWorkHours = Result


标签: excelvbacalculation



Dim datStart As Date
Dim datEnd As Date

Dim sngShiftStart As Single
Dim sngShiftEnd As Single
Dim sngShiftDuration As Single

Dim lngMinutesWorked As Long
Dim lngOfftime As Long
Dim sngHoursWorked As Single

' Calculate shift length
sngShiftStart = 6
sngShiftEnd = 15.5
sngShiftDuration = sngShiftEnd - sngShiftStart

' Set start and end times
datStart = CDate("11/07/19 7:00")
datEnd = CDate("11/09/19 8:30")

lngMinutesWorked = DateDiff("n", datStart, datEnd)
lngOfftime = ((24 - sngShiftDuration) * 60) * (DateDiff("d", datStart, datEnd))

sngHoursWorked = (lngMinutesWorked - lngOfftime) / 60
MsgBox sngHoursWorked

这没有考虑周末,但您应该能够轻松添加它。您可以使用工作日功能检查开始日期的工作日是否小于结束日期。2 * sngShiftDuration在这种情况下,从中减去sngHoursWorked。如果您的项目持续超过一周,您可以查找并减去更多周末:

' Remove weekends
Dim sngWeekendHours As Single

If Weekday(datStart) > Weekday(datEnd) Then
    ' Weekend included
    sngWeekendHours = (2 * sngShiftDuration) * (DateDiff("w", datStart, datEnd) + 1)
End If

sngHoursWorked = ((lngMinutesWorked - lngOfftime) / 60) - sngWeekendHours
