首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将数据库查询从模型传递到 Express.js 中的控制器



const mssql = require('mssql/msnodesqlv8');

module.exports.rsProducts = function () { // update1: removed params req,res,next

        global.MYDB.connect(function (error) { // MYDB is a mssql-server database setup in app.js as a global variable
            if (error) {

            global.MYDB.request().query('SELECT Top(10) * FROM [dbo].[Product]', function (err, result) {

console.log(result); // this works and i see the database recordset in the console
return(result); // this does not seem to do anything (see below)




var router = require('express').Router();
const mssql = require('mssql/msnodesqlv8');
const Offer = require('../models/product');

Offer.rsProducts(); // the console.log(result) line in the model file logs the recordset to the console

console.log(Offer.rsProducts()); // this log does not log anything which means no result is being returned from the model file to this controller


router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { res.render('index', { pagetitle: 'Product Name', data: Offer.rsProducts() }); });


更新 1 我需要一个可扩展的答案,以便控制器可以根据需要从尽可能多的模型调用尽可能多的数据库函数。该网站的主页需要来自大约 4 种不同模型的数据库数据。真的,最终结果(我在脑海中想象)是控制器会做这样的事情(伪代码):

var router =  require('express').Router();
const Offer = require('../models/product');
const Story = require('../models/story');
const QandA = require('../models/qanda');
const Job =   require('../models/job');

router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
  res.render('index', { 
  pageTitle: 'Homepage', 
  offerData: Offer.rsProducts(), //calls Offer's rsProducts function to get the data
  storyData: Story.rsStories(), // calls Story's rsStories function to get the data
  qandaData: QandA.rsQandAs(), // calls QandA's rsQandAs function to get the data
  jobData:   Job.rsJobs() // calls Job's rsJobs function to get the data

标签: node.jsexpress



如您所见,所有“I/O”函数(例如,连接到数据库、查询到 db ...)都有一个参数function (err, result) {...(如function (error)...),并且作为您的问题“为什么他们不直接返回结果把它包装成一个函数?”。

使用 Javascript,函数就是Callback函数,JS 不像“正常”的程序语言那样工作。

一个针对您的情况的修补程序,我不知道您为什么将rsProduct函数定义req, res, next为参数,但这对我的方式有好处 - 使 rsProduct成为“中间件”函数:

const mssql = require('mssql/msnodesqlv8');

module.exports.rsProduct = function (req, res, next) {

  global.MYDB.connect(function (error) { // MYDB is a mssql-server database setup in app.js as a global variable
    if (error) {
      return next(error); // call next with a error to stop flow and throw a error to express app

    global.MYDB.request().query('SELECT Top(1) * FROM [dbo].[Prodcut]', function (err, result) {

      console.log(result); // this works and i see the database recordset in the console

      // !!! Assign the result to a new field of req object
      req.products = result; // maybe what you need is req.products = result.recordset;

      next(); // continue to your function to render view




var router = require('express').Router();
const mssql = require('mssql/msnodesqlv8');
const Offer = require('../models/product');

// Offer.rsProduct(); // the console.log(result) line in the model file logs the recordset to the console

// console.log(Offer.rsProduct()); // this log does not log anything which means no result is being returned from the model file to this controller

router.get('/', Offer.rsProduct, function (req, res, next) { //  Offer.rsProduct instead of  Offer.rsProduct()
  res.render('index', { pagetitle: 'Product Name', data: req.products }); // get back products list
