首页 > 解决方案 > 如何创建一个在python中运行代码的变量?


我的问题:我的目标是创建一个变量,它是一行代码,以后我可以调用该变量,而不仅仅是使用那行代码(使代码更整洁)。注释:代码中的ball_x_pos 和ball_y_pos 变化


CASE_1 = ball_y_pos + RADIUS >= WINDOW_HEIGHT  # Hitting bottom floor(need to increase Y)
CASE_2 = ball_y_pos - RADIUS <= 0  # Hitting top floor(need to decrease Y)
CASE_3 = ball_x_pos + RADIUS >= WINDOW_WIDTH  # Hitting right side(need to decrease X)
CASE_4 = ball_x_pos - RADIUS <= 0  # Hitting left side(need to decrease X)

if CASE_1:  # Ball it hitting the bottom floor
        Y_CHANGER = 1
    if CASE_2:  # Ball is hitting the top floor
        Y_CHANGER = -1
    if CASE_3:  # Ball is hitting the right side
        X_CHANGER = -1
    if CASE_4:
        X_CHANGER = 1

我认为正在发生的事情:我很确定现在代码在分配时将案例的值定义为 False。我想知道是否有任何方法我仍然可以做到这一点。提前致谢!

标签: python



根据您在下面的评论,您希望内联您的函数以模拟宏式行为。你不能这样做,但是像 PyPy 这样的一些编译器会自动优化你的代码,所以我不会太担心。以下是可以为您解决问题的函数示例:

def CASE_1():
  return ball_y_pos + RADIUS >= WINDOW_HEIGHT  # Hitting bottom floor(need to increase Y)
def CASE_2():
  return ball_y_pos - RADIUS <= 0  # Hitting top floor(need to decrease Y)
def CASE_3():
  return ball_x_pos + RADIUS >= WINDOW_WIDTH  # Hitting right side(need to decrease X)
def CASE_4():
  return ball_x_pos - RADIUS <= 0  # Hitting left side(need to decrease X)

if CASE_1():  # Ball it hitting the bottom floor
    Y_CHANGER = 1
if CASE_2():  # Ball is hitting the top floor
    Y_CHANGER = -1
if CASE_3():  # Ball is hitting the right side
    X_CHANGER = -1
if CASE_4():
    X_CHANGER = 1

这定义了四个函数,每个函数在调用时都会评估其语句并根据其结果返回Trueor 。False请注意,这意味着全局变量(这是不好的做法) - 由于您还提到ball_x_posball_y_pos在代码中进行了更改,您可能希望将变量传递进来。这样的事情会是更好的做法:

def CASE_1(y_pos):
  return y_pos + RADIUS >= WINDOW_HEIGHT  # Hitting bottom floor(need to increase Y)
def CASE_2(y_pos):
  return y_pos - RADIUS <= 0  # Hitting top floor(need to decrease Y)
def CASE_3(x_pos):
  return x_pos + RADIUS >= WINDOW_WIDTH  # Hitting right side(need to decrease X)
def CASE_4(x_pos):
  return x_pos - RADIUS <= 0  # Hitting left side(need to decrease X)

if CASE_1(ball_y_pos):  # Ball it hitting the bottom floor
    Y_CHANGER = 1
if CASE_2(ball_y_pos):  # Ball is hitting the top floor
    Y_CHANGER = -1
if CASE_3(ball_x_pos):  # Ball is hitting the right side
    X_CHANGER = -1
if CASE_4(ball_x_pos):
    X_CHANGER = 1
