首页 > 解决方案 > 如何验证休息路径(弹簧靴)


如何验证从以下 URL 或类似内容给出的路径变量(storeId、customerId、accountId)?


如果用户开始写作random storeIds/customerIds,并尝试 POST /store/478489/customers/56423/accounts在 URL 中创建资源(假设 478489 和 56423 不指向有效资源)。我想返回正确的错误代码,例如HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

我正在使用带有 Spring Boot 的 Java。

以下问题更详细地解释了我的问题,但没有太多回应。 验证嵌套资源的路径

标签: javaspringspring-bootrestful-authentication


从提供的 URL/store/{storeId}/customers/{customerId}/accounts/{accountId}中,可以明显看出store has customers和那些customers have accounts

以下方法包括额外的数据库调用,用于按 ID 验证商店和按 ID 验证客户,但这将是合适的方法,因为如果我们在 STORE 和 CUSTOMER 表上使用带有联接的查询,那么您可能无法准确判断给定的 storeId 或 customerId 是不正确/不在数据库中。


如果 storeId 不正确 -There exists no store with given storeId: XYZ 如果 customerId 不正确 -There exists no customer with customerID: XYZ

由于您提到您使用的是 Spring Boot,因此您的代码应该如下所示:

@RequestMapping(value = "/store/{storeId}/customers/{customerId}/accounts", 
                 method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Account> persistAccount(@RequestBody Account account, @PathVariable("storeId") Integer storeId,
@PathVariable("customerId") Integer customerId) {

    // Assuming you have some service class @Autowired that will query store by ID.
    // Assuming you have classes like Store, Customer, Account defined
    Store store = service.getStoreById(storeId);
        //Throw your exception / Use some Exception handling mechanism like @ExceptionHandler etc.
        //Along with proper Http Status code.
        //Message will be something like: *There exists no store with given storeId: XYZ*
    Customer customer = service.getAccountById(storeId, customerId);
        //Throw your exception with proper message.
        //Message will be something like: *There exists no store with given customerID: XYZ*
    // Assuming you already have some code to save account info in database.
    // for convenience I am naming it as saveAccountAgainstStoreAndCustomer
    Account account = service.saveAccountAgainstStoreAndCustomer(storeId, customerId, account);
    ResponseEntity<Account> responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<Account>(account, HttpStatus.CREATED);        


