首页 > 解决方案 > 突出显示文本的搜索栏


我想要一个搜索栏来搜索该值并在我的网页中突出显示该特定值。我制作了一个导航栏,其中有一个 ID 为“btn”的搜索按钮和一个 ID 为“InputVal”的文本框。我希望我的文本框值被搜索并在我的网页(段落)中突出显示。

我的 HTML 代码:

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    <p style="font-size: 25px;" class="mt-5">
        HMS Royal Oak was one of five British Revenge-class battleships built for the Royal Navy during the First World
        War. Launched on 17 November 1914, the ship first saw combat at the Battle of Jutland. On 14 October 1939, she
        was torpedoed by the German submarine U-47 while anchored at Scapa Flow in Orkney, Scotland; 835 were killed
        that night or died later of their wounds. The loss of the outdated ship—the first of the five Royal Navy
        battleships and battlecruisers sunk in the Second World War—did little to affect the numerical superiority
        enjoyed by the British navy and its allies, but the sinking had a considerable effect on wartime morale. Günther
        Prien, the U-boat commander, became the first German submarine officer to be awarded the Knight's Cross of the
        Iron Cross. Demonstrating that the German navy was capable of bringing the war to British home waters, the raid
        resulted in rapid changes to dockland security and the construction of the Churchill Barriers around Scapa Flow.
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我的 JS 代码(jQuery):

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#btn').click( // if someone clicks the button
        function () {
            let bodyTxt = $("p").text() // Takes the paragraph text
            let input = $("#inputVal").val() //Takes the textbox text
            if (bodyTxt.includes(input)) { //checking if my paragraph text includes my search text

                $(bodyTxt).css("background-color", "yellow"); // error in this line. I want to set css properties for my searched text.
            else {
                alert("not found");

我的 JavaScipt 代码出现错误。我想为搜索到的文本设置 css 属性(背景颜色:黄色;)。

标签: javascriptjqueryhtmlcss


我实际上想评论它,但我的观点很少,无论如何我发现这个不错的JS Fiddle实际上也可以很好地工作,它包括带有 Id 的 div 或容器。这是显示的JS代码。单击链接以获取更多详细信息,例如 HTML 等。

function highlightSearch() {
var text = document.getElementById("query").value;
var query = new RegExp("(\\b" + text + "\\b)", "gim");
var e = document.getElementById("searchtext").innerHTML;
var enew = e.replace(/(<span>|<\/span>)/igm, "");
document.getElementById("searchtext").innerHTML = enew;
var newe = enew.replace(query, "<span>$1</span>");
document.getElementById("searchtext").innerHTML = newe;

