首页 > 解决方案 > 显示基于前传的系列中的所有书籍



Series |
The lord of the Rings: The fellowship of the Ring => The Two Towers => The return of the King | 3 | 9250
Harry Potter: …

所以整个系列的连接字符串| 系列长度 | 总页数

在我的数据库中,我有 bookid、title、prequeltitle、pages


With recursive bookseries (title, precededby) as (
Select title, precededby
From books
Where resourceid = 126
Select b.title, b.precededby
From books b
Inner join bookseries bs on bs.precededby = b.title 
Select * from bookseries;
 title                             |                          precededby
 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows                         | Harry potter and the Half-Blood Prince
 Harry potter and the Half-Blood Prince                       | Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
 Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix                    | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire                          | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban                     | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets                      | Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone
 Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone                       |
(7 rows)

resourceid=126 只是为了从我的数据库中获取最后一本书

ResourceID int PRIMARY KEY, 
Title char(60), 
pages int,
Isbn char (30), 
AuthorID int REFERENCES Authors(AuthorID), 
Edition int, 
Language char (30),
Publisher char (60), 
DateOfPublication date, 
PrecededBy char (60)

标签: sqlpostgresql


你离需要的东西不远。您需要STRING_AGG函数而不是 CONCAT,并对递归 CTE 稍作改动。我将在下面显示结果,但首先在桌面上提出一些建议。<br/>

  1. 不要使用 CHAR 类型,而是使用 VARCHAR 或 TEXT。请参阅文档。这实际上适用于数据库中的所有表。
  2. 不要使用 PrecededBy 的书名。而是将其设为一个整数,其中包含前任的 ResourceID 和它的 FK。这确保了前身确实存在。


with recursive bookseries (title, pages, seq) as 
   (select title,pages, 1
      from books
     where title = 'Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone'
    union all
    select b.title, b.pages, seq+1
      from books b
      join bookseries bs on b.precededby = bs.title 
select string_agg( title, ' -> '  order by seq) as book_series
     , max(seq) number_of_books
     , sum(pages) total_pages 
  from bookseries;
