首页 > 解决方案 > 试图让用户选择他们想要使用的操作,然后运行相应的程序




from collections import Counter
print (30 * '-')
print ("   M A I N - M E N U")
print (30 * '-')
print ("Program 1.Total Populations of the different continents")
print ("Program 2.Percentage Change(%) for different countries")
print (30 * '-')


## Get input ###
choice = int(input('Enter your choice [1-2] : '))

### Take action as per selected menu-option ###
while choice==1 or choice==2:
    if (choice == 1):
        counter1 = Counter()
    with open('a.txt') as f:
        for i in range(0,2):
        for line in f:
            splits = line.split(';')
            population = int(splits[3])
            continent = splits[-1].strip()
            counter1[continent] += population
# Print continents sorted by population
    for continent, pop_sum in counter1.most_common():
       print(continent, ":", pop_sum)

        counter2 = Counter()
    with open("a.txt") as f:
        for i in range(0,2):
        for line in f:
            splits = line.split(';')
            change = float(splits[6])
            country = splits[1].strip()
            counter2[country] += change      
    #Percentage Change By Countries"
    print ("Percentage Change By Countries")
    for country, change_sum in counter2.most_common():
        print(country, change_sum,"%")

来自联合国排名的 2019 年世界人口数据样本数据;国家; 2018; 2019; % 分享; 流行变化;% 改变; 大陆1;中国; 1427647786;1433783686;18.6;6135900;0.43; 亚洲 2;印度; 1352642280;1366417754;17.7;13775474; 1.02; 亚洲 3; 美国; 327096265;329064917;4.27;1968652;0.60;北美 4; 印度尼西亚; 267670543; 270625568; 3.51; 2955025; 1.10;亚洲 5;巴基斯坦; 212228286;216565318;2.81; 4337032; 2.04;亚洲 6;巴西; 209469323;211049527;2.74; 1580204;0.75; 南美 7; 尼日利亚;195874683;200963599;2.61;5088916;2.60;非洲 8;孟加拉国; 161376708;163046161;2.11;1669453; 1.03;亚洲 9;俄罗斯联邦; 145734038; 145872256;1.89; 138218; 0.09; 欧洲 10;墨西哥; 126190788;127575529; 1.65; 1384741; 1.10;北美

标签: pythonpython-3.xmenu



from collections import Counter

print (30 * '-')
print ("   M A I N - M E N U")
print (30 * '-')
print ("1.Total Populations of the different continents")
print ("2.Percentage Change(%) for different countries")
print (30 * '-')

## Get input ###
choice = int(input('Enter your choice [1-2] : '))

### Take action as per selected menu-option ###

#1st Operation
print ("Continents Sorted By Population")
while choice==1 or choice==2:
    if (choice == 1):
        counter1 = Counter()
        with open('a.txt') as f:
            for i in range(0,2):
            for line in f:
                splits = line.split(';')
                population = int(splits[3])
                continent = splits[-1].strip()
                counter1[continent] += population
        # Print continents sorted by population
        for continent, pop_sum in counter1.most_common():
             print(continent, ":", pop_sum)

#2nd operation
#Percentage Change By Countries
    elif choice==2:
        counter2 = Counter()
        with open("a.txt") as f:
            for i in range(0,2):
            for line in f:
                splits = line.split(';')
                change = float(splits[6])
                country = splits[1].strip()
                counter2[country] += change

print ("Percentage Change By Countries")
for country, change_sum in counter2.most_common():
    print(country, change_sum,"%")
