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Here is my Schema:

The User model is normal.

  - team_id
  - question_body
  - user_id
  - question_id
  - order
  - is_private

A user can have a primary answer for a question which is essentially the answer that has the lowest order and is public.

I need to get the primary answer of a question for each user except the authenticated user. I have tried multiple ways but can't seem to figure it out. Here is what I have so far on the Question model:

public function topAnswerForEachMember()
    return $this->load(['answers' => function($query) {
        return $query->public()
            ->where('user_id', '!=', Auth::user()->getKey());

This returns all public answers to the question not owned by the auth user. Now from here I need to get the one with the lowest order from each user. I have tried groupBy but am getting aggregate errors for that. I'm guessing this is going to require a sub query of sorts but I am unfamiliar with those. If anyone has an idea it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

标签: sqldatabaselaravelpostgresqleloquent




$users = User::whereHas('answers', function($query) use($question_id){
   $query->where('question_id', $question_id)
         ->orderBy('order', 'asc')->first();
  ->where('id', "!=", Auth::user()->id)

