首页 > 解决方案 > Xcode Build Error Prefix.pch Defines.h file not found


I work on Unity3d v2017.4.301f, on win10. I build Xcode project on pc, then transfer to Mac and build with Xcode.

I have an app that previously built fine in Xcode. On a recent export from Unity3d to Xcode, I am getting the build error shown below:

Defines.h file not found

It is inside the file Prefix.pch in the Classes folder. It is nested inside

     Include "Defines.h"

I have never seen this error, and cannot find anyone who has a discussion on this.

Other times I have seen file not found was from missing frameworks. I am not missing any frameworks that I am aware of, and there is no ObjectiveC framework for me to add ( never needed it before either).

Please assist if you are familiar with the root of this file not found issue.

标签: xcodebuild

