首页 > 解决方案 > 启用文本框的动态复选框


我对动态控件有疑问。我创建了一个动态用户表单,其单帧取决于一个数字(在我的示例中,rngprt 取决于用户输入)。到现在都没问题。现在,当单击相对复选框时,我想在特定框架内启用一个文本框(以更改其值)。我使用了一个类模块(Classe1),但是在我的代码中,我只在单击其复选框时成功启用了 n 帧的最后一个文本框(例如,如果我有 3 个带有 3 个文本框和 3 个复选框的帧,则只有第三个复选框能够启用第三个文本框,第一个和第二个不起作用)。


Option Explicit
Public WithEvents cmbEvent1 As MSForms.CommandButton
Public WithEvents txbEvent1 As MSForms.TextBox
Public WithEvents frmEvent1 As MSForms.Frame
Public WithEvents ckbEvent1 As MSForms.CheckBox

Private Sub cmbEvent1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub frmEvent1_Click()
End Sub

Public Sub txbEvent1_Change()
End Sub

Private Sub ckbEvent1_Click()
If UserForm3.Controls("CK" & xx).Value = True Then
UserForm3.Controls("TB" & xx).Enabled = True
End If
End Sub


Option Explicit
Dim cmdB As New Classe1
Dim txtB As New Classe1
Dim chkB As New Classe1
Dim frm As New Classe1
Dim chkBColl As New Collection

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim x As Long
Dim c As Variant
Dim cmdB1 As MSForms.CommandButton
Dim frm1 As MSForms.Frame
Dim txtB1 As MSForms.TextBox
Dim chkB1 As MSForms.CheckBox

Set cmdB1 = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
       With cmdB1
            .Name = "OKButton"
            .Caption = "OK"
            .Top = 40 * rngprt
            .Left = 120
            .Width = 40
            .Height = 25
       End With
       Set cmdB.cmbEvent1 = cmdB1

For x = cel.Row To cel.Row + rngprt - 1 '**rngprt is a number from a Module1**

xx = x - cel.Row + 1  '**for progessive name of controls Dim xx as long into the Module1**

Set frm1 = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1")
            frm1.Top = 40 * (xx - 1)
            frm1.Left = 10
            frm1.Width = 300
            frm1.Height = 35
            frm1.Name = "FR" & xx

With frm1.Controls

Set txtB1 = .Add("Forms.TextBox.1")
       With txtB1
            .Name = "TB" & xx
            .Top = 10
            .Left = 160
            .Width = 30
            .Height = 15
            .TextAlign = fmTextAlignRight
            .Enabled = False
       End With
       Set txtB.txbEvent1 = txtB1

     Set chkB1 = .Add("Forms.CheckBox.1")
       With chkB1
            .Name = "CK" & xx
            .Caption = "Part"
            .Top = 10
            .Left = 245
            .Width = 45
            .Height = 15
       End With
       Set chkB.ckbEvent1 = chkB1
       'Here I added the code below

End With
       Set frm.frmEvent1 = frm1
Next x

End Sub

我还尝试在 chkB1 设置下方添加此代码,但没有。

       Set chkB = New Classe1
       Set chkB.ckbEvent1 = Me.Controls(chkB.txbEvent1)
       chkBColl.Add chkB


标签: excelvbacheckboxdynamictextbox



您需要创建一个 classe1 数组。检查此更改:


Option Explicit
Public WithEvents cmbEvent1 As MSForms.CommandButton
Public WithEvents txbEvent1 As MSForms.TextBox
Public WithEvents frmEvent1 As MSForms.Frame
Public WithEvents ckbEvent1 As MSForms.CheckBox

Public xx As Integer

Private Sub cmbEvent1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub frmEvent1_Click()
End Sub

Public Sub txbEvent1_Change()
End Sub

Private Sub ckbEvent1_Click()
If UserForm3.Controls("CK" & xx).value = True Then
UserForm3.Controls("TB" & xx).Enabled = True
End If
End Sub


Dim cmdB() As New Classe1
Dim txtB() As Classe1
Dim chkB() As Classe1
Dim frm() As New Classe1

Dim chkBColl As New Collection

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim x As Long
Dim c As Variant
Dim cmdB1 As MSForms.CommandButton
Dim frm1 As MSForms.Frame
Dim txtB1 As MSForms.TextBox
Dim chkB1 As MSForms.CheckBox
ReDim Preserve cmdB(1)
Set cmdB1 = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
       With cmdB1
            .Name = "OKButton"
            .Caption = "OK"
            .Top = 40 * rngprt
            .Left = 120
            .Width = 40
            .Height = 25
       End With
       Set cmdB(0).cmbEvent1 = cmdB1

For x = cel.Row To cel.Row + rngprt - 1 '**rngprt is a number from a Module1**

xx = x - cel.Row + 1  '**for progessive name of controls Dim xx as long into the Module1**

    ReDim Preserve txtB(xx)
Set txtB(xx) = New Classe1
Set frm1 = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1")
            frm1.Top = 40 * (xx - 1)
            frm1.Left = 10
            frm1.Width = 300
            frm1.Height = 35
            frm1.Name = "FR" & xx

With frm1.Controls

Set txtB1 = .Add("Forms.TextBox.1")
       With txtB1
            .Name = "TB" & xx
            .Top = 10
            .Left = 160
            .Width = 30
            .Height = 15
            .TextAlign = fmTextAlignRight
            .Enabled = False
       End With
       txtB(xx).xx = xx
       Set txtB(xx).txbEvent1 = txtB1

ReDim Preserve chkB(xx + 1)
Set chkB(xx) = New Classe1
     Set chkB1 = .Add("Forms.CheckBox.1")
       With chkB1
            .Name = "CK" & xx
            .Caption = "Part"
            .Top = 10
            .Left = 245
            .Width = 45
            .Height = 15
       End With
       Set chkB(xx).ckbEvent1 = chkB1
       chkB(xx).xx = xx
       'Here I added the code below

End With
ReDim Preserve frm(xx)
       Set frm(xx).frmEvent1 = frm1
Next x

End Sub
