首页 > 解决方案 > SQL:WHERE 检查多列(其中只有一列必须不为空)




WITH   StudentCTEm ([Person Code], [Course Instance Maths], [Course Occurrence Maths], [Course Title], [ULN], [Main Aim])
AS     (SELECT [Person Code],
               [Course Instance],
               [Course Occurrence],
               [Course Title],
               [Main Aim]
        FROM   EBSWarehouse.dbo.StudentEnrolment cte
        WHERE  cte.[Progress Status] = 'A' AND cte.[Course Instance] LIKE '%REGM%' AND cte.[Course Occurrence] LIKE '1920%'),
StudentCTEe ([Person Code], [Course Instance English], [Course Occurrence English], [Course Title], [ULN], [Main Aim])
AS     (SELECT [Person Code],
               [Course Instance],
               [Course Occurrence],
               [Course Title],
               [Main Aim]
        FROM   EBSWarehouse.dbo.StudentEnrolment cte
        WHERE  cte.[Progress Status] = 'A' AND cte.[Course Instance] LIKE '%REGE%' AND cte.[Course Occurrence] LIKE '1920%'),
StudentCTEIT ([Person Code], [Course Instance IT], [Course Occurrence IT], [Course Title], [ULN], [Main Aim])
AS     (SELECT [Person Code],
               [Course Instance],
               [Course Occurrence],
               [Course Title],
               [Main Aim]
        FROM   EBSWarehouse.dbo.StudentEnrolment cte
        WHERE  cte.[Progress Status] = 'A' AND cte.[Course Instance] LIKE '%REGIT%' AND cte.[Course Occurrence] LIKE '1920%'),
pcsCTEfsM ([Learning Aim Ref Maths], [Learning Aim Desc Maths], [PICS ID], [Funding End])
AS     (SELECT [Learning Aim Ref],
               [Learning Aim Desc],
               [PICS ID],
               [Funding End]
        FROM   dbo.ILRComponentAim cte
        WHERE [Learning Aim Desc] like '%Functional Skills qualification in Mathematics%'),
pcsCTEfsE ([Learning Aim Ref English], [Learning Aim Desc English], [PICS ID], [Funding End])
AS     (SELECT [Learning Aim Ref],
               [Learning Aim Desc],
               [PICS ID],
               [Funding End]
        FROM   dbo.ILRComponentAim cte
        WHERE [Learning Aim Desc] like '%Functional Skills qualification in English%'),
pcsCTEfsIT ([Learning Aim Ref IT], [Learning Aim Desc IT], [PICS ID], [Funding End])
AS     (SELECT [Learning Aim Ref],
               [Learning Aim Desc],
               [PICS ID],
               [Funding End]
        FROM   dbo.ILRComponentAim cte
        WHERE [Learning Aim Desc] like '%Functional Skills qualification in Information%')

s.[Person Code],
s.[Episode Start],
s.[Episode Exp End],
s.[Person Code],
icm.[Learning Aim Ref Maths],
ICm.[Learning Aim Desc Maths],
Sem.[Course Instance Maths],
Sem.[Course Occurrence Maths],
SEm.[Course Title],
ice.[Learning Aim Ref English],
ICe.[Learning Aim Desc English],
See.[Course Instance English],
See.[Course Occurrence English],
SEe.[Course Title],
icit.[Learning Aim Ref IT],
icit.[Learning Aim Desc IT],
Seit.[Course Instance IT],
Seit.[Course Occurrence IT],
SEIT.[Course Title]

FROM dbo.Student s
LEFT JOIN           dbo.ILRProgAim AS p ON p.[PICS ID] = S.[PICS ID]
LEFT JOIN       pcsCTEfsM icm ON icm.[PICS ID] = s.[PICS ID]
LEFT JOIN       pcsCTEfsE ice ON ice.[PICS ID] = s.[PICS ID]
LEFT JOIN       pcsCTEfsIT icit ON icit.[PICS ID] = s.[PICS ID]
LEFT JOIN       StudentCTEe see ON see.[ULN] = s.[ULN]
LEFT JOIN       StudentCTEm sem ON sem.[ULN] = s.[ULN]
LEFT JOIN       StudentCTEIT seit ON seit.[ULN] = s.[ULN]
INNER JOIN EBSWarehouse.dbo.StudentEnrolment sen ON sen.[ULN] = s.ULN  

WHERE s.[Episode End] is null AND s.[Status] = 'L' AND [Learning Aim End] is null AND icm.[Funding End] is null AND sen.[Main Aim] <> 1 
ORDER BY s.[Person Code] ASC


    icm.[Learning Aim Ref Maths],
    ICm.[Learning Aim Desc Maths],
    Sem.[Course Instance Maths],
    Sem.[Course Occurrence Maths],
    SEm.[Course Title],
    ice.[Learning Aim Ref English],
    ICe.[Learning Aim Desc English],
    See.[Course Instance English],
    See.[Course Occurrence English],
    SEe.[Course Title],
    icit.[Learning Aim Ref IT],
    icit.[Learning Aim Desc IT],
    Seit.[Course Instance IT],
    Seit.[Course Occurrence IT],
    SEIT.[Course Title]






如果您想要上下文 ,那么这基本上是跨各种表和另一个数据库进行映射,以准确计算谁在使用他们的 PICS(内部软件)学徒进行功能技能课程,以及我们在内部学生管理系统上拥有哪些信息。

我应该添加预期结果与实际结果相同,对于 GDPR,我无法真正发布结果集)但实际上我需要做的就是忽略报告中所有课程中所有“null”的记录选项(基本上有些人已经退出或完成了他们的 FS 部分但没有完成他们的 WBL 课程,因此作为本报告的一部分出现,我尝试使用完成状态列省略记录,但有些人被认为仍处于活动状态并已离开很久以前 - 所以那是不行的,所以我唯一的选择就是duuuurty我正在整理的这个小视图

标签: sqlsql-serverssms



                        icm.[Learning Aim Ref Maths],
                        ICm.[Learning Aim Desc Maths],
                        Sem.[Course Instance Maths],
                        Sem.[Course Occurrence Maths],
                        SEm.[Course Title],
                        ice.[Learning Aim Ref English],
                        ICe.[Learning Aim Desc English],
                        See.[Course Instance English],
                        See.[Course Occurrence English],
                        SEe.[Course Title],
                        icit.[Learning Aim Ref IT],
                        icit.[Learning Aim Desc IT],
                        Seit.[Course Instance IT],
                        Seit.[Course Occurrence IT],
                        SEIT.[Course Title]
                    ) IS NOT NULL
