首页 > 解决方案 > MSChart 仅显示插入的日期,没有空格


几天来,我一直在寻找如何使用 MS Chart 解决此问题,不幸的是,到目前为止我发现的一切都无济于事。


这意味着无论是每日、每周、每月还是每年,我的数据始终具有所需的点数。你要求 7 天你得到 7 行,你要求 12 周你得到 12 行你要求 3 个月你得到 3 行。总是(每年可能是目前时间的开始,所以我们不会谈论那个。)


现在 Daily 工作正常,但是当我切换到其他模式时,图表完全忽略了我给它一个非常具体的点数的事实,而是将日历中的每个日期放在我的数据点之间。

未按预期工作 正如我所说,我已经尝试了各种我能找到的解决方案,但它们要么使事情变得更糟,要么导致错误。

    Private Sub LoadChart()

        Dim oDT As New DataTable
        Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand

        Dim sSQLDateCTE As String = "WITH Date_CTE as ( " & _
                "SELECT [Date] as SaleDate " & _
                "FROM [DateDimension] "
        Dim sWHEREDateCTE As String = "WHERE [Date] BETWEEN DATEADD({0},-{1},GETDATE()) AND GETDATE() "
        Dim sSQLSUM As String = "), SUM_CTE as ( " & _
                "SELECT F01 as UPCCode, F254 as SaleDate, SUM(F64) as UnitsSold " & _
                "FROM {0} " & _
                "WHERE F1034 = 3 AND F64 <> 0 AND F01 = @UPCCode " & _
                "AND F254 IN (SELECT saledate FROM Date_CTE) " & _
                "GROUP BY F01,F254) " & _
                "Select DC.SaleDate ,ISNULL(SC.UnitsSold,0) as UnitsSold " & _
                "FROM Date_CTE as DC " & _
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN SUM_CTE as SC " & _
                "ON SC.SaleDate = DC.SaleDate " & _
                "ORDER BY DC.SaleDate ASC "

        Dim sSQL As String = ""


            Dim PeriodRow As DataRow = oAppEnv.dtPeriods.Select(String.Format("DPPeriodID = {0}", cboPeriods.SelectedValue)).FirstOrDefault

            Dim DurationRow As DataRow = oAppEnv.dtDurations.Select(String.Format("DDDurationID = '{0}'", cboDuration.SelectedValue)).FirstOrDefault

            Select Case PeriodRow.Item("DPPeriodAbbrev")
                Case "D"
                    sWHEREDateCTE = String.Format(sWHEREDateCTE, "DD", DurationRow.Item("DDDurationLength"))
                    sSQLSUM = String.Format(sSQLSUM, "RPT_ITM_D")
                    sSQL = sSQLDateCTE & sWHEREDateCTE & sSQLSUM
                Case "W"
                    sWHEREDateCTE = String.Format(sWHEREDateCTE, "WW", DurationRow.Item("DDDurationLength")) & " AND Weekday = 1 "
                    sSQLSUM = String.Format(sSQLSUM, "RPT_ITM_W")
                    sSQL = sSQLDateCTE & sWHEREDateCTE & sSQLSUM
                Case "M"
                    sWHEREDateCTE = String.Format(sWHEREDateCTE, "MM", DurationRow.Item("DDDurationLength")) & " AND [DAY] = DATEPART(Day,getdate()) "
                    sSQLSUM = String.Format(sSQLSUM, "RPT_ITM_M")
                    sSQL = sSQLDateCTE & sWHEREDateCTE & sSQLSUM
                Case "Y"

            End Select

            sqlCmd.CommandText = sSQL

            sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UPCCode", sUPCCode)

            oDT = oAppEnv.oLogiDM.GetSQLData(sqlCmd)

            ctSalesData.Series("Sales").ChartType = Charting.SeriesChartType.Bar
            'ctSalesData.Series(0).IsXValueIndexed = True
            'ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.IntervalOffsetType = Charting.DateTimeIntervalType.Days
            'ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.IntervalOffset = -1

            If oDT IsNot Nothing Then

                '//Get the Date range.

                Dim oSortDV As DataView = oDT.DefaultView
                oSortDV.Sort = "UnitsSold DESC"

                'ctSalesData.DataSource = oDT

                For Each row In oDT.Rows
                    ctSalesData.Series(0).Points.AddXY(row.item("SaleDate"), row.item("UnitsSold"))

                ctSalesData.Series(0).CustomProperties = "PixelPointWidth = 15"
                ctSalesData.Series(0).IsValueShownAsLabel = True

                Dim MinDate As Date = oDT.Rows(0).Item("SaleDate")
                Dim Maxdate As Date = oDT.Rows(oDT.Rows.Count - 1).Item("SaleDate")

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Minimum = MinDate.ToOADate
                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Maximum = Maxdate.ToOADate

                If oDT.Rows.Count > 14 Then
                    Dim ZoomDate As Date = oDT.Rows(14).Item("SaleDate")
                    ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScaleView.Zoom(MinDate.ToOADate, ZoomDate.ToOADate)
                End If

                ctSalesData.Series(0).XValueType = Charting.ChartValueType.Date

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Interval = 1
                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Minimum = 0

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Maximum = Math.Ceiling(oSortDV(0).Item("UnitsSold") / 10) * 10

                If ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Maximum = oSortDV(0).Item("UnitsSold") Then
                    ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Maximum += 10
                End If

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).CursorX.AutoScroll = True

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScaleView.SizeType = Charting.DateTimeIntervalType.Number
                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = Charting.ScrollBarButtonStyles.SmallScroll

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScaleView.SmallScrollSize = 20
                'ctSalesData.Series(0).XValueMember = "SaleDate"
                'ctSalesData.Series(0).YValueMembers = "UnitsSold"
                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = False

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        Dim iCnt As Integer = 0
        For Each row In oDT.Rows
             ctSalesData.Series(0).Points.AddXY(iCnt, row.item("UnitsSold"))
             ctSalesData.Series(0).Points(iCnt).AxisLabel = row.item("SaleDate")
             iCnt += 1


所以; 我到底如何摆脱这些空白的空间浪费并只显示我插入的数据点?

标签: .netvb.netmschart





    Private Sub LoadChart()

        Dim oDT As New DataTable
        Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand

        Dim sSQLDateCTE As String = "WITH Date_CTE as ( " & _
                "SELECT [Date] as SaleDate " & _
                "FROM [DateDimension] "
        Dim sWHEREDateCTE As String = "WHERE [Date] BETWEEN DATEADD({0},-{1},GETDATE()) AND GETDATE() "
        Dim sSQLSUM As String = "), SUM_CTE as ( " & _
                "SELECT F01 as UPCCode, F254 as SaleDate, SUM(F64) as UnitsSold " & _
                "FROM {0} " & _
                "WHERE F1034 = 3 AND F64 <> 0 AND F01 = @UPCCode " & _
                "AND F254 IN (SELECT saledate FROM Date_CTE) " & _
                "GROUP BY F01,F254) " & _
                "Select DC.SaleDate ,ISNULL(SC.UnitsSold,0) as UnitsSold " & _
                "FROM Date_CTE as DC " & _
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN SUM_CTE as SC " & _
                "ON SC.SaleDate = DC.SaleDate " & _
                "ORDER BY DC.SaleDate ASC "

        Dim sSQL As String = ""


            Dim PeriodRow As DataRow = oAppEnv.dtPeriods.Select(String.Format("DPPeriodID = {0}", cboPeriods.SelectedValue)).FirstOrDefault

            Dim DurationRow As DataRow = oAppEnv.dtDurations.Select(String.Format("DDDurationID = '{0}'", cboDuration.SelectedValue)).FirstOrDefault

            Select Case PeriodRow.Item("DPPeriodAbbrev")
                Case "D"
                    sWHEREDateCTE = String.Format(sWHEREDateCTE, "DD", DurationRow.Item("DDDurationLength"))
                    sSQLSUM = String.Format(sSQLSUM, "RPT_ITM_D")
                    sSQL = sSQLDateCTE & sWHEREDateCTE & sSQLSUM
                Case "W"
                    sWHEREDateCTE = String.Format(sWHEREDateCTE, "WW", DurationRow.Item("DDDurationLength")) & " AND Weekday = 1 "
                    sSQLSUM = String.Format(sSQLSUM, "RPT_ITM_W")
                    sSQL = sSQLDateCTE & sWHEREDateCTE & sSQLSUM
                Case "M"
                    sWHEREDateCTE = String.Format(sWHEREDateCTE, "MM", DurationRow.Item("DDDurationLength")) & " AND [DAY] = DATEPART(Day,getdate()) "
                    sSQLSUM = String.Format(sSQLSUM, "RPT_ITM_M")
                    sSQL = sSQLDateCTE & sWHEREDateCTE & sSQLSUM
                Case "Y"

            End Select

            sqlCmd.CommandText = sSQL

            sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UPCCode", sUPCCode)

            oDT = oAppEnv.oLogiDM.GetSQLData(sqlCmd)

            ctSalesData.Series("Sales").ChartType = Charting.SeriesChartType.Bar
            ctSalesData.Series(0).IsXValueIndexed = True
            'ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.IntervalOffsetType = Charting.DateTimeIntervalType.Days
            'ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.IntervalOffset = -1

            If oDT IsNot Nothing Then

                '//Get the highest sold item so we can set the Y axis to bigger than the biggest

                Dim oSortDV As DataView = oDT.DefaultView
                oSortDV.Sort = "UnitsSold DESC"

                'ctSalesData.DataSource = oDT
                Dim iCnt As Integer = 0
                For Each row In oDT.Rows
                    ctSalesData.Series(0).Points.AddXY(iCnt, row.item("UnitsSold"))
                    ctSalesData.Series(0).Points(iCnt).AxisLabel = row.item("SaleDate")
                    iCnt += 1

                ctSalesData.Series(0).CustomProperties = "PixelPointWidth = 15"
                ctSalesData.Series(0).IsValueShownAsLabel = True

                'Dim MinDate As Date = oDT.Rows(0).Item("SaleDate")
                'Dim Maxdate As Date = oDT.Rows(oDT.Rows.Count - 1).Item("SaleDate")

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Minimum = 0
                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Maximum = oDT.Rows.Count + 1

                If oDT.Rows.Count > 21 Then
                    Dim ZoomDate As Date = oDT.Rows(14).Item("SaleDate")
                    ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScaleView.Zoom(0, 22)
                End If

                'ctSalesData.Series(0).XValueType = Charting.ChartValueType.Date

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Interval = 1
                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Minimum = 0

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Maximum = Math.Ceiling(oSortDV(0).Item("UnitsSold") / 10) * 10

                If ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Maximum = oSortDV(0).Item("UnitsSold") Then
                    ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Maximum += 10
                End If

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).CursorX.AutoScroll = True

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScaleView.SizeType = Charting.DateTimeIntervalType.Number
                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = Charting.ScrollBarButtonStyles.SmallScroll

                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScaleView.SmallScrollSize = 21
                ''ctSalesData.Series(0).XValueMember = "SaleDate"
                ''ctSalesData.Series(0).YValueMembers = "UnitsSold"
                ctSalesData.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = False

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

尽管这是一个烦人的解决方法,但让 Date 方法正常运行仍然会很好。
