首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Gatsby 中出现错误:TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“github”


长期 WordPress 开发人员和 Gatsby/React/GraphQL 菜鸟。

我正在尝试模拟这个Gatsby Github Displayer,它通过 GraphQL 连接到 Github API 并提供有关您的存储库的信息,然后将它们显示在页面上。

我希望做一些稍微不同的事情,并将两个元素都作为组件,然后将其中一个组件显示在我的Gatsby 网站的主页上。



import React from "react"

const RepositoryList = ({ repositories }) => (
    {repositories.nodes.map((repository, i) => (
      <div key={i}>
        <h2><a href={repository.url}>{repository.name}</a></h2>

export default RepositoryList


import React from "react"
import RepositoryList from "../components/repository-list"

const WebDevelopment = ({ data }) => (
    <h1>My repositories</h1>
    <RepositoryList repositories={data.github.viewer.repositories} />

export default WebDevelopment

export const query = graphql`
  query RepositoriesQuery {
    github {
      viewer {
          privacy: PUBLIC
          affiliations: OWNER
          isFork: false
          first: 100
        ) {
          nodes {


import React from "react"

import Layout from "../components/layout"
import Headshot from "../components/headshot"
import PMIEFOldWebsite from "../components/pmief-old-website"
import PMIEFNewWebsite from "../components/pmief-new-website"
import SEO from "../components/seo"
import "./mystyles.scss"
import JFedOldWebsite from "../components/jfed-old-website"
import JFedNewWebsite from "../components/jfed-new-website"
import WebDevelopment from "../components/web-development"

const IndexPage = () => (
    <SEO title="Home" />
    <h1>Digital Marketing Strategist<br />Front-End Web Developer</h1>
    <div style={{ maxWidth: `300px`, marginBottom: `1.45rem` }}>
      <Headshot />
    <p>I've been in the web business for a long time. I worked in the nonprofit world for 15 years. I went from staff assistant to program administrator to accidental techie to full-fledged web developer.</p>
    <p>I'm currently a contractor at <a href="https://dudnyk.com/">Dudnyk</a> where I do front-end development on websites, email templates, and Google banner ads.</p>
    <p>I'm a developer with experience in HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. I'm building this site on Gatsby so that I can play around with ES6 and React and start realizing the possiblities that the JAMstack offers.</p>
    <h3>Project Management Institute Educational Foundation</h3>
    <p>I started as a program administrator and became the webmaster, email, and social media guy. I served as the staff technical expert and content manager for the rebranding and website redesign and migration from flat HTML files to Sitecore CMS.</p>
    <div className="container">
      <div className="columns">
        <div className="column">
          <PMIEFOldWebsite />
        <div className="column">
          <PMIEFNewWebsite />
    <h3 style={{  marginTop: `3.45rem` }}>Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia</h3>
    <p>I was brought on as the technical project manager for the website redesign and migration from Drupal to WordPress. I stayed on as the solo web developer and email marketing manager.</p>
    <div className="container">
      <div className="columns">
        <div className="column">
          <JFedOldWebsite />
        <div className="column">
          <JFedNewWebsite />
    <WebDevelopment />

export default IndexPage



标签: javascriptreactjsgatsby


您好,您似乎正在组件中使用页面查询。对于组件查询,您需要使用 StaticQuery 或 useStaticQuery 挂钩。查看这些文档https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/static-query/https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/use-static-query/
