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最终代码将使用 C/C++,但我们正在使用 Python 进行 NN 开发。因此,任何涉及相关工具集的想法都会受到欢迎。如果这有助于此测试,我还可以将 NN 结构和矩阵导出/导入到另一个包或环境。



标签: pythonneural-networkartificial-intelligence


Somehow techytushar's comment nudged my brain into a new line of reasoning, which I think has been very helpful:

So the problem I'm addressing is: 'There can be no dormant code.' Be that lines of C or array elements that are never, and can never, be accessed.

So when the trained NN runs as a compiled C application, the application will calculate the value for each neuron and evaluate its activation function irrespective of the node's input value(s). So actually there is no such thing as dormant code or array elements in this regard. Just a true/false output for that node's activation at that moment. It might change in the next moment. It'll all be re calculated, even if mathmatically the result is always for no activation.

So the question then moves away from this subject, to ensuring that no combinations of node activation can result in the system being in a dangerous state. That's off topic of the original question, so I think I can draw a line under this...?
