首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 nifi 中增加 Base64EncodeContent 1.9.2 组大小限制


我正在尝试通过 处理 1MB base64 ended 数据Base64EncodeContent 1.9.2 processor,它丢弃了几条记录并传递了 700 Kb apprx。Base64EncodeContent 1.9.2 处理器是否有任何默认大小或is there any way to set the size value

标签: apache-nifi


There is no limitation on the size of the content. I believe the size of the encoded content may be smaller than the original size, so comparing size in and out is probably not a valid test. You could chain together two Base64EncodeContent processors where first is in "encode" mode and second is in "decode" mode, and the after second processor if you get same data that went into first processor, then you know it worked correctly.
