首页 > 解决方案 > 如果找到,如何选择特定单元格并在另一个单元格中执行函数


我希望能够检查(这是第一个 With 语句)是否在打开的工作表中(我将此工作表称为Sheet1,因为它在我的工作簿中是Sheet1 )中的某个单元格值(本例中为“H4” )正在编写代码(我想知道正在编写代码的工作表的正确命名方案是什么)存在于另一个工作表的单元格 A中(“HE 171”是工作表名称,我将其称为本例中为“HE171”)在不同的工作簿中(本例中为“Md”主数据库);

然后如果它存在于主数据库中,我想检查(这是第二个 With 语句)该特定单元格的值(再次为"H4")是否存在于更改数据库工作簿中(在此示例)在工作表“更改”中(在此示例中,工作表名为“更改”)

 Option Explicit

Dim Cd As Workbook
Dim Md As Workbook

Dim Changes As Worksheet
Dim HE171 As Worksheet

Dim nConfirmation As Integer

'Actions for when the "Confirm Changes" button is clicked
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Set Cd = Workbooks.Open("\FILEPATH\Technology_Changes\Changes_Database_IRR_20-2S_New.xlsm")
    Set Md = Workbooks.Open("\FILEPATH\Database_IRR 20-2S New.xlsm")

    Set Changes = Cd.Sheets("Changes")

    On Error Resume Next

    Set HE171 = Md.Sheets("HE 171")

    'Creating the "Yes or No" message box displayed when operators click the "Confirm Changes" button on the Operator Sheet
    nConfirmation = MsgBox("Do you want to send a notification about the sheet update?", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Sheet Updates")

    'Declares the variable for the string that we will be finding, which is the key in this case (for the With statement)
    Dim FindString As String

    'Declares the variable for the range in which we will be locating the string (for the With statement)
    Dim RNG As Range

    'Sets the string we need to find as the key value which is in cell "H4" of the Operator sheet (for the With Statement)
    FindString = Sheet1.Range("H4").Value

    'Actions if "YES" is clicked when the "Confirm Changes" button is clicked on the Operator Sheet
    If nConfirmation = vbYes Then

        'Opens and activates the Main Database workbook, with "HE 171" as the active sheet

        'Temporarily unprotects the Main Database Workbook and Operator sheet (this is the sheet the code is in)
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect "Swrf"
        Sheet1.Unprotect "Swrf"

        'Searches all of column A in the Main Database in sheet "HE 171" for the string(key)
        With ActiveSheet.Range("A:A")            'searches all of column A
            Set RNG = .Find(What:=FindString, _
                            After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
                            LookIn:=xlValues, _
                            LookAt:=xlWhole, _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                            SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
        'End With

            'Actions if the key is present in column A of the MAIN database
            If Not RNG Is Nothing Then

                'Since Key is present in main database, now opens and sets the Changes_Database "Changes" Sheet as active contents

                'Temporarily unprotects the Changes_Database
                ActiveSheet.Unprotect "Swrf"

                'Declares the variable for the string that we will be finding, which is the key in this case (for the With statement)
                Dim FindString2 As String

                'Declares the variable for the range in which we will be locating the string (for the With statement)
                Dim RNG2 As Range

                'Sets the string we need to find as the key value which is in cell "H4" of the Operator sheet (for the With Statement)
                FindString2 = Sheet1.Range("H4").Value

                'Searches all of column A in the Changes_Database "Changes" sheet for the string(key)
                With ActiveSheet.Range("A:A")    'searches all of column A
                    Set RNG2 = .Find(What:=FindString, _
                                    After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
                                    LookIn:=xlValues, _
                                    LookAt:=xlWhole, _
                                    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                                    SearchDirection:=xlNext, _

                    'Actions if the key is present in column A of the Changes_Database (So a change request was previously made for the key and it already has a row in the "Changes" sheet)
                    If Not RNG2 Is Nothing Then

                        'Calls module 13 to set the date and time of the requested change in the "Changes" sheet
                        Call TimeStamp

                        'Calls module 8 to send over the requested changes to the "Changes" sheet
                        Call SendChanges

                        'On Error Resume Next

                        'Protects the Changes_Database
                        ActiveSheet.Protect "Swrf"


                        'Actions if the key DOES NOT exist in column A of the Changes_Database


                        'Module 14: Adds a new row with the key to the Changes_Database
                        Call NewPart2

                        'Calls module 13 to set the date and time of the requested change in the "Changes" sheet
                        Call TimeStamp

                        'On Error Resume Next

                        'Calls module 8 to send over the requested changes to the "Changes" sheet
                        Call SendChanges

                    End If

               End With


                        'Module 7:  Adds a new row with the key to the MAIN Database
                        Call NewPart

                        'Module 14: Adds a new row with the key to the Changes_Database
                        Call NewPart2

                        'Module 13: to set the date and time of the requested change in the "Changes" sheet
                        Call TimeStamp

                        'Module 10: Fills in the date and time the key was created for the "HE 171" sheet
                        Call TimeStamp2

                        'On Error Resume Next

                        'Calls module 8 to send over the requested changes to the "Changes" sheet
                        Call SendChanges

            End If

        End With

            'Actions if "No" is clicked when the "Confirm Changes" button is clicked on the Operator Sheet

            '''''''If nConfirmation = vbNo Then

            'Protects Changes_Database (as it was activated after the Main Database and is therefore the active contents and saves/closes it
            ActiveSheet.Protect "Swrf"
            ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

            'Sets Main Database as active contents to protect it, save it and close it
            ActiveSheet.Protect "Swrf"
            ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

            'Protects Operator Sheet and saves it
            Sheet1.Protect "Swrf"
            'Workbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

    End If

End Sub

目前,当我第一次运行代码时,它会在两个外部工作表中为我创建一个新行(一个工作簿中的“更改”,另一个工作簿中的“HE171”),因为它在两个工作簿中都不存在,但它失败了将任何值(在 Sheet1(存在代码的工作表)中的“K”单元格中)复制到“更改”表中的相应单元格(模块 8 应该执行此操作,如下所示);这是模块 8

    'Module 8: Sends the requested changes over to the "Changes" sheet

Sub SendChanges()

Set Cd = Workbooks.Open("\FILEPATH\Technology_Changes\Changes_Database_IRR_20-2S_New.xlsm")
Set Changes = Cd.Sheets("Changes")

ActiveSheet.Unprotect "Swrf"


'Only executes this macro if the the new/change requested value in column "K" of the Operator sheet has a numerical value present
If Sheet1.Range("K30").Value <> "" Then

'Filters the Changes_Database for the part name & process (the key) which is in cell "H4" of the Operator sheet
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Sheet1.Range("H4")

'Copies the changed content in cell "K30" from the Operator Sheet

'Finds the row in the Changes_Database that has matched all filters and;
'Pastes the value of cell "K30" into the matching parameter cell in the Changes_Database,which is in column 6 in this case
ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Cells(1, 6).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

'Removes all filters and shows all data'

End If

'Repeats the If and Else code bordered with slashes "////", for all parameter changes in the K column ("KXX")'
If Sheet1.Range("K31").Value <> "" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Sheet1.Range("H4")
ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Cells(1, 7).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

End If

If Sheet1.Range("K32").Value <> "" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Sheet1.Range("H4")
ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Cells(1, 8).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

End If

'On Error Resume Next


'On Error Resume Next

ActiveSheet.Protect "Swrf"
            ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

End Sub

标签: excelvba

