首页 > 解决方案 > R Dataframe Average Group by last months over Users


Suppose I have the next dataframe. How can I create a new "avg" column that is the result of averaging the last 2 dates ("date") for each group. The idea is to apply this to a dataset with hundreds of thousands of files, so performance is important. The function should contemplate a variable number of months (example 2 or 3 months) and be able to change between simple and medium average.

Thanks in advance.


  group   date price
1     1 201903    10
2     1 201902    30
3     1 201901    50
4     1 201812    20
5     2 201903     2
6     2 201902    10
7     2 201901     9
8     2 201812    20

result<-data.frame(group=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),date=c(201903,201902,201901,201812,201903,201902,201901,201812),price=c(10,30,50,20,2,10,9,20), avg = c(20, 40, 35, NA, 6, 9.5, 14.5, NA))

  group   date price  avg
1     1 201903    10 20.0
2     1 201902    30 40.0
3     1 201901    50 35.0
4     1 201812    20   NA
5     2 201903     2  6.0
6     2 201902    10  9.5
7     2 201901     9 14.5
8     2 201812    20   NA

标签: rdataframeaverage


首先对 data.frame 进行排序,以便每个组的日期升序

table1 <- table1[order(table1$group, table1$date), ]


mov_avg <- function(y, months = 2){as.numeric(filter(y, rep(1 / months, months), sides = 1))}

将此mov_avg功能与经典的 do.call-lapply-split 组合一起使用

table1$avg_2months <- do.call(c, lapply(split(x=table1$price, f=table1$group), mov_avg, months=2))
table1$avg_3months <- do.call(c, lapply(split(x=table1$price, f=table1$group), mov_avg, months=3))


  group   date price avg_2months avg_3months
4     1 201812    20          NA          NA
3     1 201901    50        35.0          NA
2     1 201902    30        40.0    33.33333
1     1 201903    10        20.0    30.00000
8     2 201812    20          NA          NA
7     2 201901     9        14.5          NA
6     2 201902    10         9.5    13.00000
5     2 201903     2         6.0     7.00000
