首页 > 解决方案 > 以 r 计算黎巴嫩的昼夜持续时间



dat = structure(list(
  start_time = structure(c(1431096404, 1431107312, 1431124632, 1431163956, 1431170210, 1431180438, 1431225936, 1431431610, 1431434550, 1431450416, 1431457208), 
class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "America/Chicago"), 
  end_time = structure(c(1431104384, 1431119732, 1431126312, 1431168936, 1431179030, 1431193878, 1431240696, 1431432150, 1431447870, 1431455096, 1431465728),
class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "America/Chicago")), 
  row.names = c(NA, -11L), 
  class = "data.frame")



calc_in_oneday <- function(st, ed, lon = 0, lat = 0) {
    sunlight_times <- getSunlightTimes(as.Date(st), lat = lat, lon = lon)
    sunset <- sunlight_times$sunset
    sunrise <- sunlight_times$sunrise
    sec_night <- sec_day <- 0

    if(st > sunset | ed<=sunrise) { # when the period includes the night only
        sec_night  <- difftime(ed, st, units = "secs")
    } else if(st > sunrise & ed<=sunset) { # when the period includes the daytime only
        sec_day  <- difftime(ed, st, units = "secs")
    } else { # when things are bit more complicated
        if (st<=sunrise) { # if "start" is before sunrise time until sunrise will be added to night
            sec_night <- sec_night + difftime(sunrise, st, units = "secs")
        } else {  
            # if otherwise time until sunset will be added to daytime 
            # in this condition "end" will come after sunset (otherwise the second condition above will be satisfied)
            sec_day <- sec_day + difftime(sunset, st, units = "secs")
        if (ed<=sunset) { # The same logic
            sec_day <- sec_day + difftime(ed, sunrise, units = "secs")
        } else {
            sec_night <- sec_night + difftime(ed, sunset, units = "secs")
        if(st <= sunrise & ed > sunset) { # above will not add the entire daytime when "start" before sunrise and "end" after sunset
            sec_day <- sec_day + difftime(sunset, sunrise, units = "secs")
    sec_night <- unclass(sec_night)
    sec_day <- unclass(sec_day)
    attr(sec_day, "units") <- NULL
    attr(sec_night, "units") <- NULL
    return(list(sec_day = sec_day, sec_night = sec_night))



使用上面的功能,处理多天的检查。该函数的作用是检查开始日期和结束日期是否相同,如果不相同,则计算到第一个日期结束的昼夜时间,然后将开始时间滑动到第二天的开始时间。(编辑:开始/结束时间的 tzone)。

calc_day_night <- function(st, ed, lon = 0, lat = 0) {
    attr(st, "tzone") <- "UTC"
    attr(ed, "tzone") <- "UTC"

    sec_night <- sec_day <- 0
    while(as.Date(st) != as.Date(ed)) {
        tmp_ed <- as.Date(st) + days(1)
        day_night_oneday <- calc_in_oneday(st, tmp_ed, lon, lat)
        sec_night <- sec_night + day_night_oneday$sec_night
        sec_day <- sec_day + day_night_oneday$sec_day
        st <- tmp_ed
    day_night_oneday <- calc_in_oneday(st, ed, lon, lat)
    sec_night <- sec_night + day_night_oneday$sec_night
    sec_day <- sec_day + day_night_oneday$sec_day
    return(list(sec_day = sec_day, sec_night = sec_night))


dat %>%  
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(temp = list(calc_day_night(start_time, end_time, lat = 41, lon = -85))) %>%
    mutate(sec_day = temp$sec_day) %>%
    mutate(sec_night = temp$sec_night) %>%
    mutate(min_day = round(sec_day / 60)) %>%
    mutate(min_night = round(sec_night / 60)) %>%
    select(-matches("sec")) %>%

标签: r

