首页 > 解决方案 > why does my php redirects me to my index.php page even though i didn't put any instructions to do it?


here is my code. it is for the removal of any borrower. when the process was successful it supposedly proceeds to the books.php but instead, it goes to my index page

    if (isset($_POST['return'])) {
        require 'include.dbh.php';
        $id = $_POST['return'];
        $sqlr = "DELETE FROM borrower WHERE id=" . $id;
        echo $sqlr;
        if (mysqli_query($conn, $sqlr)) {
            header("Location: ../books.php?borrowedbookhasbeenreturned");
        } else {
            header("Location ../books.php?error=connectionerror");
    } else {
        header("Location: ../books.php");

and this is the code for my book.php and also I'm a beginner on PHP. when the button is clicked it sends the id of the borrower to code above then it would do its thing. well it works but it didn't redirect me to the page where it should be instead it redirects me to the index.php

    if (!isset($_SESSION['userID'])) {
        header("Location: ../login.php");
    } else if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        header("Location: index.php");
    } else {
        $butt = $_POST['submit'];
        require 'php/include.dbh.php';
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bookinfo WHERE btitle='" . $butt . "'";
        if ($result = $conn->query($sql)) {

            while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
                $ID = $row['bid'];
                $bookname = $row['btitle'];
                $desc = $row['bdesc'];
                $q = $row['quantity'];
                $img = $row['imgpath'];


 <!DOCTYPE html>

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/up.css">
     <link rel="icon" href="img/favicon.jpg">
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

     <div class="content">
         <div class="header">
             <table class="heading">
                         <span class="title">Seshat</span>
                         <span class="tag"> | a faster way to record books</span>
                     <td style="text-align: right;">
                         <span class="title">Book Details</span>

             <div class="cheader">Book Details</div>
             <div class="cbody">
                 <div class="booktitle">
                                 <label for="">Title: </label>
                                 <span><?php echo $bookname; ?></span>
                                 <label for="">Book ID:</label>
                                 <span name="bid"><?php echo $ID; ?></span>
                     <label for="">total quantity: </label>
                     <span><?php echo $q; ?></span>
                 <div class="description">
                     <label for="">Description </label>
                                echo $desc;
                 <div class="buttons">
                     <div onclick="show()" id="s" name="borrow">Borrow</div>
                     <form action="php/include.discard.php" method="POST">
                         <button value="<?php echo $bookname; ?>" type="submit" name="discard"
                             title="Delete this Book">Discard</button>
             <div class="cheader">Book Details</div>
             <div class="cbody">
                 <form action="php/include.return.php" method="POST">
                     <div class="users">
                         <table border="1">
                                 <td id="asize">Book ID</td>
                                 <td id="asize">Name</td>
                                 <td id="asize">Grade And Section</td>
                                 <td id="asize">LRN</td>
                                 <td id="asize">Borrowed date</td>
                                 <td id="asize">Date Of expected return</td>
                                 <td id="asize" class="v">Actions</td>

                             <!-- ----------------------------------- -->

                                $sqlb = "SELECT * FROM borrower where gid='" . $butt . "'";
                                if ($result = $conn->query($sqlb)) {
                                    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
                                        $field1name = $row["bid"];
                                        $field2name = $row["fname"] . " " . $row["lname"];
                                        $field3name = $row["grade"] . " - " . $row["section"];
                                        $field4name = $row["lrn"];
                                        $field5name = $row["dob"];
                                        $field6name = $row["der"];
                                        $id = $row['id'];
                                        echo '<tr> 
                                            <td>' . $field1name . '</td> 
                                            <td>' . $field2name . '</td> 
                                            <td>' . $field3name . '</td> 
                                            <td>' . $field4name . '</td> 
                                            <td>' . $field5name . '</td> 
                                            <td>' . $field6name . '</td> 
                                            <td><button type="submit" name="return" value="' . $id . '" class="edit" title="return the books">Return</button></td>

                             <!-- ------------------------------------------- -->

             <div id="f">
                 <div class="cheader">Borrow Form</div>
                 <div class="cbody" id="form">
                     <span style="margin:20pt 20pt;">Student</span>
                     <form class="" action="php/include.book.php" method="post">

                         <div class="student">
                             <table class="formt">
                                         <span>First Name</span>
                                         <input id="nem" type="text" name="fn" value="">
                                         <span>Last Name</span>
                                         <input type="text" name="ln" value="">
                                         <span>Grade And Section</span><br>
                                         <input style="width:30%;" name="g" type="number" placeholder="Grade" value="">
                                         <input style="width:50%;" type="text" placeholder="Section" name="s" value="">
                                         <span style="font-size:10pt">Learner's Reference Number</span>
                                         <input type="text" name="lrn" value="">
                         <span style="margin:20pt 20pt;">Book</span>
                         <div class="student">
                             <table class="formt">
                                         <span>Book ID</span>
                                         <input type="text" name="bid">
                                         <span style="font-size: 8pt;">Date of Borrowing and the day of expected
                                         <input type="date" name="dob" style="width:40%;">
                                         <input type="date" name="der" style="width:40%;">
                         <div class="buttons">
                             <button type="submit" <?php echo "value='" . $butt . "'"; ?> name="submit">Submit</button>
                             <button type="reset">Reset</button>
             <div id="last">
                 <form action="php/include.book.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                     <div id="bt" class="buttons">
                         <button type="submit" name="back">Back to Main</button>
     <script type="text/javascript">
     function show() {

         if (document.getElementById("f").style.height < "384px") {
             document.getElementById("f").style.transition = ".5s";
             document.getElementById("f").style.height = "384px";
             document.getElementById("f").style.opacity = "1";
             document.getElementById("s").innerHTML = "Close";
             document.getElementById("bt").style.top = "0pt";
         } else {
             document.getElementById("f").style.transition = ".5s";
             document.getElementById("f").style.height = "0px";
             document.getElementById("f").style.display = "0";
             document.getElementById("s").innerHTML = "Borrow";
             document.getElementById("bt").style.top = "-20pt";



标签: php


header("Location: ../books.php?borrowedbookhasbeenreturned") (虽然无效)是问题所在。


} else if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    header("Location: index.php");

使用标头时,您不会发送任何 POST 数据。所以 `$_POST['submit'] 没有设置,上面的逻辑总是正确的。

检查此以获取可能的解决方案PHP Redirection with Post Parameters
