首页 > 解决方案 > 尝试在插入过程中消除列表中的重复项


我正在编写一个 C 程序,它获取 CSV 格式的书籍数据作为输入(ISBN 代码、标题、作者)并创建一个排序的链表。该列表按作者排序,然后按标题排序。对于每本书,它需要跟踪输入了多少本书籍。为此,我需要消除列表中的所有重复项,并且每次遇到重复项时,将 book 结构中的“totalCopies”计数器加 1。我可以创建一个在所有输入都注册后解析列表的函数,但我觉得在用户获取输入时这样做更有效。


void insertBook(BookPtr *listPtr, const char *isbn, const char *title, const char *author) { 
    // new node
    BookPtr newPtr = malloc(sizeof(Book));
    if (newPtr != NULL) {
        // initializing the new node      
        strcpy(newPtr->isbn, isbn);
        strcpy(newPtr->title, title); 
        strcpy(newPtr->author, author);        
        newPtr->nextPtr = NULL;

        BookPtr previousPtr = NULL;
        BookPtr currentPtr = *listPtr;

        while (currentPtr != NULL && strcmp(author, currentPtr->author) > 0) {            
            previousPtr = currentPtr;
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
        if (previousPtr == NULL) { //empty list
            newPtr->nextPtr = *listPtr;            
            *listPtr = newPtr;        
        } else {
            while (currentPtr != NULL && strcmp(title, currentPtr->title) > 0 && !(strcmp(author, currentPtr->author))) {            
                previousPtr = currentPtr;
                currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
            if(!(strcmp(previousPtr->isbn, newPtr->isbn))) { //this is the part that doesn't work. it should check if the new book and the one in the position where i would insert it have the same isbn code
                currentPtr->totCopies = (currentPtr->totCopies) + 1;
            } else {  
                previousPtr->nextPtr = newPtr;
                newPtr->nextPtr = currentPtr;
    else {


if(!(strcmp(previousPtr->isbn, newPtr->isbn)))

这似乎不起作用。previousPtr 没有像我预期的那样指向前一个节点,而是指向其他元素,但我还不能弄清楚究竟是什么让它指向它们。我希望它指向应该插入新书的位置之前的最后一个节点,因为程序在while循环中滚动了列表,但事实并非如此。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct book {
    char isbn[7];
    char title[151];
    char author[151];
    int totCopies;
    struct book *nextPtr;

typedef struct book Book;
typedef Book *BookPtr;

Book getBook() {
    Book book;

    char data[212];

    fgets(data, sizeof(data), stdin);

    char *field;

    field = strtok(data, ",\n");
    if(field != NULL) {
        strcpy(book.isbn, field);
    field = strtok(NULL, ",\n");
    if(field != NULL) {
        strcpy(book.title, field);
    field = strtok(NULL, ",\n");
    if(field != NULL) {
        strcpy(book.author, field);

    book.totCopies = 0;

    return book;


void insertBook(BookPtr *listPtr, const char *isbn, const char *title, const char *author) { 
    // new node
    BookPtr newPtr = malloc(sizeof(Book));
    if (newPtr != NULL) {
        // initializing the new node      
        strcpy(newPtr->isbn, isbn);
        strcpy(newPtr->title, title); 
        strcpy(newPtr->author, author);        
        newPtr->nextPtr = NULL;

        BookPtr previousPtr = NULL;
        BookPtr currentPtr = *listPtr;

        while (currentPtr != NULL && strcmp(author, currentPtr->author) > 0) {            
            previousPtr = currentPtr;
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
        if (previousPtr == NULL) { //empty list
            newPtr->nextPtr = *listPtr;            
            *listPtr = newPtr;        
        } else {
            while (currentPtr != NULL && strcmp(title, currentPtr->title) > 0 && !(strcmp(author, currentPtr->author))) {            
                previousPtr = currentPtr;
                currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
            if(!(strcmp(previousPtr->isbn, newPtr->isbn))) { //this is the part that doesn't work. it should check if the new book and the one in the position where i would insert it have the same isbn code
                currentPtr->totCopies = (currentPtr->totCopies) + 1;
            } else {  
                previousPtr->nextPtr = newPtr;
                newPtr->nextPtr = currentPtr;
    else {

int main() {
    Book l;
    Book *listPtr = NULL;

    l = getBook();

    while(strcmp(l.isbn, "0")) { 
        insertBook(&listPtr, l.isbn, l.title, l.author);
        l = getBook();
    return 0;


标签: clist

