首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Python ZAP 模块中运行 AjaxSpider 时,“no_implementor”是什么意思?


1.) 使用的代码


# Ajax Spider the target URL
pprint('Start Ajax Spider -> ' + ajax.scan(url=target, inscope=None))
# Give the Ajax spider a chance to start
while (ajax.status != 'stopped'):
    print('Ajax Spider is ' + ajax.status)
for url in applicationURL:
    # Ajax Spider every url configured
    pprint('Ajax Spider the URL: ' + url + ' -> ' +
           ajax.scan(url=url, inscope=None))
    # Give the Ajax spider a chance to start
    while (ajax.status != 'stopped'):
        print('Ajax Spider is ' + ajax.status)
print('Ajax Spider scan completed')

2.) 进入无限循环

'Ajay Spider 不是执行者'

标签: python-3.xzap


您应该查看 ZAP 的新 API 文档:https ://www.zaproxy.org/docs/api/#using-ajax-spider

"no_implementor" "No Implementor" 可能意味着您没有安装 AjaxSpider 插件。(这意味着,您没有任何东西可以实现您尝试使用的功能。)

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
from zapv2 import ZAPv2

# The URL of the application to be tested
target = 'https://public-firing-range.appspot.com'
# Change to match the API key set in ZAP, or use None if the API key is disabled
apiKey = 'changeme'

# By default ZAP API client will connect to port 8080
zap = ZAPv2(apikey=apiKey)
# Use the line below if ZAP is not listening on port 8080, for example, if listening on port 8090
# zap = ZAPv2(apikey=apikey, proxies={'http': '', 'https': ''})

print('Ajax Spider target {}'.format(target))
scanID = zap.ajaxSpider.scan(target)

timeout = time.time() + 60*2   # 2 minutes from now
# Loop until the ajax spider has finished or the timeout has exceeded
while zap.ajaxSpider.status == 'running':
    if time.time() > timeout:
    print('Ajax Spider status' + zap.ajaxSpider.status)

print('Ajax Spider completed')
ajaxResults = zap.ajaxSpider.results(start=0, count=10)
# If required perform additional operations with the Ajax Spider results

# TODO: Start scanning the application to find vulnerabilities
