首页 > 解决方案 > 在数字之前或之后的度量单位上的 spacy 规则匹配器


我是 spacy 的新手,我正在尝试匹配某些文本中的一些测量值。我的问题是计量单位有时在值之前,有时在值之后。在其他一些情况下有不同的名称。这是一些代码:

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

# case 1:
text = "the surface is 31 sq"
# case 2:
# text = "the surface is sq 31"
# case 3:
# text = "the surface is square meters 31"
# case 4:
# text = "the surface is 31 square meters"
# case 5:
# text = "the surface is about 31 square meters"
# case 6:
# text = "the surface is 31 kilograms"

pattern = [
    {"IS_STOP": True}, 
    {"LOWER": "surface"}, 
    {"LEMMA": "be", "OP": "?"}, 
    {"LOWER": "sq", "OP": "?"},
    {"LOWER": "square", "OP": "?"},
    {"LOWER": "meters", "OP": "?"},
    {"IS_DIGIT": True}, 
    {"LOWER": "square", "OP": "?"},
    {"LOWER": "meters", "OP": "?"},
    {"LOWER": "sq", "OP": "?"} 

doc = nlp(text)

matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab) 

matcher.add("Surface", None, pattern)

matches = matcher(doc)
for match_id, start, end in matches:
    string_id = nlp.vocab.strings[match_id]  # Get string representation
    span = doc[start:end]  # The matched span
    print(match_id, string_id, start, end, span.text)

我有两个问题: 1 - 模式应该能够匹配所有案例 1 到 5,但在我的案例 1 中,输出是

4898162435462687487 Surface 0 4 the surface is 31
4898162435462687487 Surface 0 5 the surface is 31 sq 


2 - case 6 不应该匹配,而是与我的模式匹配。关于如何改进这一点的任何建议?

编辑:是否可以在模式中建立 OR 条件?就像是

pattern = [
    {"POS": "DET", "OP": "?"}, 
    {"LOWER": "surface"}, 
    {"LEMMA": "be", "OP": "?"},  
      [{"LOWER": "sq", "OP": "?"},
      {"LOWER": "square", "OP": "?"},
      {"LOWER": "meters", "OP": "?"},
      {"IS_ALPHA": True, "OP": "?"},
      {"LIKE_NUM": True}]
      [{"LIKE_NUM": True},
      {"LOWER": "square", "OP": "?"},
      {"LOWER": "meters", "OP": "?"},
      {"LOWER": "sq", "OP": "?"} ]

标签: pythonnlpspacy


您不能使用这样的 OR,但您可以为同一个标签定义不同的模式。因此,您需要两种模式,一种将数字与前面的这些词中的一个sqsquaremeters或组合匹配,另一种模式将数字与后面的这些词中的至少一个匹配。


import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

texts = ["the surface is 31 sq", "the surface is sq 31", "the surface is square meters 31",
     "the surface is 31 square meters", "the surface is about 31 square meters", "the surface is 31 kilograms"]
pattern1 = [
      {"IS_STOP": True}, 
      {"LOWER": "surface"}, 
      {"LEMMA": "be", "OP": "?"}, 
      {"TEXT" : {"REGEX": "^(?i:sq(?:uare)?|m(?:et(?:er|re)s?)?)$"}, "OP": "+"},
      {"LIKE_NUM": True}
pattern2 = [
      {"IS_STOP": True}, 
      {"LOWER": "surface"}, 
      {"LEMMA": "be", "OP": "?"}, 
      {"IS_ALPHA": True, "OP": "?"},
      {"LIKE_NUM": True},
      {"TEXT" : {"REGEX": "^(?i:sq(?:uare)?|m(?:et(?:er|re)s?)?)$"}, "OP": "+"}

matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab, validate=True)
matcher.add("Surface", None, pattern1)
matcher.add("Surface", None, pattern2)

for text in texts:
  doc = nlp(text)
  matches = matcher(doc)
  for match_id, start, end in matches:
    string_id = nlp.vocab.strings[match_id]  # Get string representation
    span = doc[start:end]  # The matched span
    print(match_id, string_id, start, end, span.text)


4898162435462687487 Surface 0 5 the surface is 31 sq
4898162435462687487 Surface 0 5 the surface is sq 31
4898162435462687487 Surface 0 6 the surface is square meters 31
4898162435462687487 Surface 0 5 the surface is 31 square
4898162435462687487 Surface 0 6 the surface is about 31 square

{"TEXT" : {"REGEX": "^(?i:sq(?:uare)?|m(?:et(?:er|re)s?)?)$"}, "OP": "+"}部分匹配一个或多个与正则表达式匹配的标记(由于"OP": "+"):

  • ^- 令牌的开始
  • (?i:- 不区分大小写的修饰符组的开始:
    • sq(?:uare)?-sqsquare
    • |- 或者
    • m(?:et(?:er|re)s?)?- m, meter/metremeters/metres
  • )- 小组结束
  • $- 字符串结尾(此处为标记)。
