首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 GradientTape 在 TensorFlow 2.0 线性回归示例中爆炸损失


我正在尝试为多元线性回归构建一个小的教育示例,但是 LOSS 一直在增加,直到它爆炸而不是变得更小,知道吗?

import tensorflow as tf

import numpy as np
data = np.array(

x = data[:,1:-1]
y_target = data[:,-1]

def loss_function(y, pred):
    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - pred))

def train(b, w, x, y, lr=0.012):
    with tf.GradientTape() as t:
        current_loss = loss_function(y, linear_model(x))
        lr_weight, lr_bias = t.gradient(current_loss, [w, b])
        w.assign_sub(lr * lr_weight)
        b.assign_sub(lr * lr_bias)

epochs = 80
for epoch_count in range(epochs):
    real_loss = loss_function(y_target, linear_model(x))
    train(b, w, x, y_target, lr=0.12)
    print(f"Epoch count {epoch_count}: Loss value: {real_loss.numpy()}")

如果我使用“正确”值初始化权重(通过 scikit-learn 回归器发现),甚至会发生这种情况

w = tf.Variable([-1.76770250e-04,3.46688912e-01,2.43827475e-03],dtype=tf.float64)
b = tf.Variable(-11.837184241807234,dtype=tf.float64)

标签: tensorflowlinear-regressionlinear-algebragradienttape


以下是您如何将 TF2 优化器用于玩具示例(根据评论)。我知道这不是答案,但我不想在评论部分发布这个,因为它会弄乱缩进和所有这些。

tf_x = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2.0,dtype=tf.float32),name='x')
optimizer = tf.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1)

# Optimizing tf_x using gradient tape
x_series, y_series = [],[]
for step in range(5):    
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
        tf_y = tf_x**2

    gradients = tape.gradient(tf_y, tf_x)
    optimizer.apply_gradients(zip([gradients], [tf_x]))
