首页 > 解决方案 > Tkinter 按钮相互混合








import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, Text
import os
import time, sys
from time import sleep

root = tk.Tk()
def changecolo(i, j):
    if not ((i == 0 and j == 0) or (i == 12 and j == 12)):
        if mFrame.grid_slaves(row = i, column = j)[0].cget('bg') == 'black':
            mFrame.grid_slaves(row = i, column = j)[0].configure(bg = 'white')
        elif mFrame.grid_slaves(row = i, column = j)[0].cget('bg') == 'white':
            mFrame.grid_slaves(row = i, column = j)[0].configure(bg = 'grey')
        elif mFrame.grid_slaves(row = i, column = j)[0].cget('bg') == 'grey':
            mFrame.grid_slaves(row = i, column = j)[0].configure(bg = 'black')
def setalg():
    value = 6
def makegrid6():
def makegrid66():
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range (6):
            if i == 0 and j == 0:
                grids6 = tk.Button(mFrame, bg='blue', text = (5 - i) + (5 - j), state = 'disabled', highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width = 11, height = 5)
                grids6.grid(row = i, column = j)
            elif i == 5 and j == 5:
                grids6 = tk.Button(mFrame, bg='red', text = (5 - i) + (5 - j) , state = 'disabled',highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width = 11, height = 5)
                grids6.grid(row = i, column = j)
            elif (((i == 0 or i == 1 or i == 2) and (j == 2)) or (i == 4 and j == 1)):
                grids6 = tk.Button(mFrame, bg='white', text = (5 - i) + (5 - j) , highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width = 11, height = 5, state = 'disabled')
                grids6.grid(row = i, column = j)
            elif (i == 3 and j == 2):
                grids6 = tk.Button(mFrame, bg='grey', text = (5 - i) + (5 - j) , highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width = 11, height = 5, state = 'disabled')
                grids6.grid(row = i, column = j)
                grids6 = tk.Button(mFrame, bg='black', text = (5 - i) + (5 - j), fg = 'white', highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width = 11, height = 5, state = 'disabled')
                grids6.grid(row = i, column = j) 
    return mFrame.grid_slaves, i, j

def makegrid10():
def makegrid100():
for i in range(13):
    for j in range (13):
        if i == 0 and j == 0:
            grids10 = tk.Button(mFrame, bg='blue', text = (12 - i) + (12 - j), fg = 'white', state = 'disabled', highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width = 4, height = 2, command=lambda x = i, y = j: changecolo(x, y))
            grids10.grid(row = i, column = j)
        elif i == 12 and j == 12:
            grids10 = tk.Button(mFrame, bg='red', text = (12 - i) + (12 - j), fg = 'white', state = 'disabled',highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width = 4, height = 2, command=lambda x = i, y = j: changecolo(x, y))
            grids10.grid(row = i, column = j)
            grids10 = tk.Button(mFrame, bg='black', text = (12 - i) + (12 - j), fg = 'white', highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width = 4, height = 2, command=lambda x = i, y = j: changecolo(x, y))
            grids10.grid(row = i, column = j)
return mFrame.grid_slaves, i, j   

def play():
   if diffVar.get() == "sim":
       butons, l, k = makegrid66()
       Greedy(butons, l, k)
       butons, l, k = makegrid100()
       Greedy(butons, l, k)
def aStar():

def Greedy(butons, k, l):
    print(k, l)

def UCS():
mFrame = tk.Frame(root, height = 500, width = 500, bg = "lightgrey")
mFrame.place(x= 10, y = 10)

diffVar = tk.StringVar()
dif = tk.Label(root, text = "Problem Difficulty", bg = "Lightgrey")
dif.place (x = 550, y = 30)

simp = tk.Radiobutton(root, text = "Simple", value = "sim", bg = "Lightgrey", variable = diffVar, command = makegrid6)
simp.place(x = 550, y = 60)
comp = tk.Radiobutton(root, text = "Complex", value = "com", bg = "Lightgrey", variable = diffVar, command = makegrid10)
comp.place(x = 550, y = 90)

algVar = tk.IntVar()
dif = tk.Label(root, text = "Choose an Algorithm", bg = "Lightgrey")
dif.place (x = 550, y = 180)

alg1 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text = "A*", value = 1, bg = "Lightgrey", variable = algVar, command = setalg)
alg1.place(x = 550, y = 210)
alg2 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text = "Greedy", value = 2, bg = "Lightgrey", variable = algVar, command = setalg)
alg2.place(x = 550, y = 240)
alg3 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text = "UCS", value = 3, bg = "Lightgrey", variable = algVar, command = setalg)
alg3.place(x = 550, y = 270)

playbu = tk.Button(root, text = "Play", bg = "White", width = 15, command = play)
playbu.place(x = 10, y = 550)

nextbu = tk.Button(root, text = "Next", bg = "White", width = 15)
nextbu.place(x = 140, y = 550)

fasterbu = tk.Button(root, text = "Faster", bg = "White", width = 15)
fasterbu.place(x = 270, y = 550)

resetbu = tk.Button(root, text = "Reset", bg = "White", width = 15)
resetbu.place(x = 400, y = 550)



标签: pythonpython-3.xtkinter



def makegrid6():
    global mFrame


    mFrame = tk.Frame(root, height = 500, width = 500, bg = "lightgrey")
    mFrame.place(x= 10, y = 10)


但它有一个问题 - 新框架是在其他小部件之上创建的,因此被隐藏且不可用。


root = tk.Tk()

# parent `root` 
xFrame = tk.Frame(root, height = 500, width = 500, bg = "lightgrey")
xFrame.place(x= 10, y = 10)

# parent `xFrame`
mFrame = tk.Frame(xFrame, height = 500, width = 500, bg = "lightgrey")




请参阅PEP 8 - Python 代码样式指南



import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, Text
import os
import time, sys
from time import sleep

# --- functions ---

def changecolo(i, j):
    if not ((i == 0 and j == 0) or (i == 12 and j == 12)):
        if mFrame.grid_slaves(row=i, column=j)[0].cget('bg') == 'black':
            mFrame.grid_slaves(row=i, column=j)[0].configure(bg='white')
        elif mFrame.grid_slaves(row=i, column=j)[0].cget('bg') == 'white':
            mFrame.grid_slaves(row=i, column=j)[0].configure(bg='grey')
        elif mFrame.grid_slaves(row=i, column=j)[0].cget('bg') == 'grey':
            mFrame.grid_slaves(row=i, column=j)[0].configure(bg='black')

def setalg():
    value = 6

def makegrid6():
    global mFrame # inform function to use external/global variable instead of locla one when it will assign value (`=`) 


    mFrame = tk.Frame(xFrame, height=500, width=500, bg="lightgrey")


def makegrid66():

    for i in range(6):
        for j in range (6):
            if i == 0 and j == 0:
                grids6=tk.Button(mFrame, bg='blue', text=(5 - i) + (5 - j), state='disabled', highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width=11, height=5)
                grids6.grid(row=i, column=j)
            elif i == 5 and j == 5:
                grids6=tk.Button(mFrame, bg='red', text=(5 - i) + (5 - j) , state='disabled', highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width=11, height=5)
                grids6.grid(row=i, column=j)
            elif (((i == 0 or i == 1 or i == 2) and (j == 2)) or (i == 4 and j == 1)):
                grids6=tk.Button(mFrame, bg='white', text=(5 - i) + (5 - j) , highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width=11, height=5, state='disabled')
                grids6.grid(row=i, column=j)
            elif (i == 3 and j == 2):
                grids6=tk.Button(mFrame, bg='grey', text=(5 - i) + (5 - j) , highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width=11, height=5, state='disabled')
                grids6.grid(row=i, column=j)
                grids6=tk.Button(mFrame, bg='black', text=(5 - i) + (5 - j), fg='white', highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width=11, height=5, state='disabled')
                grids6.grid(row=i, column=j) 
    return mFrame.grid_slaves, i, j

def makegrid10():
    global mFrame # inform function to use external/global variable instead of locla one when it will assign value (`=`) 


    mFrame = tk.Frame(xFrame, height=500, width=500, bg="lightgrey")


def makegrid100():

    for i in range(13):
        for j in range (13):
            if i == 0 and j == 0:
                bg_color = 'blue'
                state = 'disabled'
            elif i == 12 and j == 12:
                bg_color = 'red'
                state = 'disabled'
                bg_color = 'black'
                state = 'normal'

            b = tk.Button(mFrame, bg=bg_color, text=(12-i)+(12-j), state=state, fg='white', highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, width=4, height=2, command=lambda x=i, y=j: changecolo(x, y))
            b.grid(row=i, column=j)

    return mFrame.grid_slaves, i, j   

def play():
   if diffVar.get() == "sim":
       butons, l, k=makegrid66()
       Greedy(butons, l, k)
       butons, l, k=makegrid100()
       Greedy(butons, l, k)
def aStar():

def Greedy(butons, k, l):
    for i in range(k + 1):
        for j in range(l + 1):
            print(i, j)
            mini=butons(row=i, column=j)[0].cget('text')
            m, n=i, j
            if i - 1 > -1:
                if butons(row=i - 1, column=j)[0].cget('text') < mini:
                    mini=butons(row=i - 1, column=j)[0].cget('text')
                    m=i - 1
            if i + 1 < 6:
                if butons(row=i + 1, column=j)[0].cget('text') < mini:
                    mini=butons(row=i + 1, column=j)[0].cget('text')
                    m=i + 1
            if j - 1 > -1:
                if butons(row=i, column=j - 1)[0].cget('text') < mini:
                    mini=butons(row=i, column=j - 1)[0].cget('text')
                    n=j - 1
            if j + 1 < 6:
                if butons(row=i, column=j + 1)[0].cget('text') < mini:
                    mini=butons(row=i, column=j + 1)[0].cget('text')
                    n=j + 1
            i, j=m, n
            butons(row=m, column=n)[0].configure(bg='brown')

def UCS():

# --- main ---

root = tk.Tk()

xFrame = tk.Frame(root, height=500, width=500, bg="lightgrey")
xFrame.place(x= 10, y=10)

mFrame = tk.Frame(xFrame, height=500, width=500, bg="lightgrey")

diffVar = tk.StringVar()
dif = tk.Label(root, text="Problem Difficulty", bg="Lightgrey")
dif.place (x=550, y=30)

simp = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Simple", value="sim", bg="Lightgrey", variable=diffVar, command=makegrid6)
simp.place(x=550, y=60)
comp = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Complex", value="com", bg="Lightgrey", variable=diffVar, command=makegrid10)
comp.place(x=550, y=90)

algVar = tk.IntVar()
dif = tk.Label(root, text="Choose an Algorithm", bg="Lightgrey")
dif.place (x=550, y=180)

alg1 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="A*", value=1, bg="Lightgrey", variable=algVar, command=setalg)
alg1.place(x=550, y=210)
alg2 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Greedy", value=2, bg="Lightgrey", variable=algVar, command=setalg)
alg2.place(x=550, y=240)
alg3 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="UCS", value=3, bg="Lightgrey", variable=algVar, command=setalg)
alg3.place(x=550, y=270)

f2 = tk.Canvas(root, height=30, width=30, bg="White")

playbu = tk.Button(root, text="Play", bg="White", width=15, command=play)
playbu.place(x=10, y=550)

nextbu = tk.Button(root, text="Next", bg="White", width=15)
nextbu.place(x=140, y=550)

fasterbu = tk.Button(root, text="Faster", bg="White", width=15)
fasterbu.place(x=270, y=550)

resetbu = tk.Button(root, text="Reset", bg="White", width=15)
resetbu.place(x=400, y=550)

