首页 > 解决方案 > Gradle: automatically choose GRADLE_HOME depending on the project


At my job we use gradle, so on my laptop I have a ~/.gradle/init.d folder which contains the init scripts that define our enterprise-wide configuration, such as the URL of the local repository, docker publishing rules, checkstyle rules, etc.

I want to use gradle for a personal project, so I don't want to use any of these init scripts. Here are the ideas I have come up with so far:

  1. Rename ~/.gradle to ~/.gradle-work, create ~/.gradle-personal, and then symlink ~/.gradle to -work or -personal depending on what I'm doing.
  2. Have ~/.gradle as my personal gradle settings, and create another gradle folder ~/dev/work/.gradle with all my work init scripts. Make sure $GRADLE_HOME is set to ~/dev/work/.gradle when running gradle for any work projects.
  3. Some variant of 2 where gradle will automatically use ~/dev/work/.gradle if it detects that the project is in the ~/dev/work/ folder.

Option 1 feels quite clumsy. Option 2 feels very tedious to have to set or unset an environment variable whenever I want to use gradle. Ideally I would like something like option 3 where I don't have to do any fiddling around whenever I change between personal or work projects. Is this possible? Or is there another solution that could solve my problem?

标签: gradle

