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If I understand correctly, then - This quota represents the number of firewall rules you can create for all VPC networks in your project. Max number of firewall rules per project: 500 (by default) You cannot increase this quota.

But in this case, I have the following question: How can I find out how much has already been used in my project? What does it depend on? How does this come about?

标签: google-cloud-platform


Firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. These rules are considered as Firewall rules. In GCP, firewall rules let you allow or deny traffic to and from your virtual machine (VM) instances based on a configuration you specify. More information on firewall rules in GCP.

Default GCP firewall rules are enforced, protecting your instances regardless of their configuration and operating system, even if they have not started up. You can see default rules within your GCP project > Networking > VPC network > Firewall rules. If you look carefully, you can see that these rules will enable you to target certain types of traffic, based on the traffic's protocol, ports, sources, and destinations.

You can check Firewall rules quotas for your project. Google has created project level quotas for resources like firewall rules in order to keep all customer configurations within GCP internal limits, however, do not consider it as Maximum number of firewall rules that you can create in VPC network. There is no hard limit for Firewall rules per VPC, but, soft limits based on multiple factors within your GCP project, like the complexity of the firewall rule (example - ingress rules that use source tags are more complex than ingress rules that use a single source IP range).

Instead of limits, it would be good to consider requirements while creating Firewall rules which would be different in respect to your GCP project.
