首页 > 解决方案 > 需要帮助以了解 1 有效而 1 无效的类似 RegExp 用法之间的区别


我是 stackoverflow 的忠实粉丝,虽然我不熟悉使用正则表达式。我编写了一个 QND 搜索实用程序来帮助我查找/报告我在源代码中搜索的内容。我在弄清楚我的模式搜索出了什么问题时遇到了问题,它没有返回包含两个双引号之间的所有文本的匹配字符串。在一次搜索中它有效(寻找会话变量),但在类似的搜索中(寻找重定向)它没有。

这是我正在测试的示例 aspx.vb 文件:

Partial Class _1
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Private strSecurityTest As String = ""
    Private strUserId As String = ""
    Private strPassword As String = ""
    Private strMyName As String = ""

    Private Sub sample()
        strSecurityTest = Session("UserID")

        If strSecurityTest = "NeedsLogin" Or
            strSecurityTest = "" Or
            Session("SecureCount") = 0 Or
            Session("CommandName") <> strMyName Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Class


When I look for all occurances of Session("*") with pattern ==> Session\(\"\w*\"\)
I get correct results.  Noting the above source code, I get 3 matches returned:



However when I try another search by replacing "Session" with "Transfer" ==> Transfer\(\"\w*\"\)
nothing is returned.  

I have also tried these matching patterns:
Server.Transfer("*") ==> Server\.Transfer\(\"\w*\"\)
*Server.Transfer("*") ==> \w*Server\.Transfer\(\"\w*\"\)

Each of these doesn't return any matches.

In my live code I tried removing vbCr, vbLf, vbCrLf before the regex match, but still no matches
were found.


A symptom that I see is when I remove the text from the right side of the pattern, up to and
including the \w* ... then the search finds matches ==> Transfer\(\"  However since the search 
is now open-ended ... I can't capture the value between the double quotes that I want.

示例 VB 代码是:

Private Sub TestRegExPattern(wData As String, wPattern As String, bMatchCase As Boolean)

    ' Invoke the Match method.
    Dim m As Match = Nothing
    If Not bMatchCase Then
        m = Regex.Match(wData, wPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
        m = Regex.Match(wData, wPattern)
    End If

    ' If first match found process and look for more
    If (m.Success) Then
        '   Process match

        ' Get next match.
        While m.Success
            m = m.NextMatch()
            If m.Success Then
                '   Process additional matches
            End If
        End While
    End If
    m = nothing
End Sub


标签: regexvb.net

