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我有一个来自美国农业部的 csv 数据集,其中包含 1970、1980、1990 和 2000 年美国各县成年人的教育水平。我使用 read_csv 函数导入了这个 csv,然后我像这样清理数据集:

colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "State"] <- "state"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Area name"] <- "area_name"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Less than a high school diploma, 1970"] <- "Less Than Diploma, 1970"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "High school diploma only, 1970"] <- "Diploma, 1970"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Some college (1-3 years), 1970"] <- "AA or more, 1970"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Four years of college or higher, 1970"] <- "BA or more, 1970"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with less than a high school diploma, 1970"] <- "%Less Than Diploma, 1970"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with a high school diploma only, 1970"] <- "% Diploma, 1970"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults completing some college (1-3 years), 1970"] <- "% AA or more, 1970"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults completing four years of college or higher, 1970"] <- "% BA or more, 1970"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Less than a high school diploma, 1980"] <- "Less Than Diploma, 1980"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "High school diploma only, 1980"] <- "Diploma, 1980" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Some college (1-3 years), 1980"] <- "AA or more, 1980" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Four years of college or higher, 1980"] <- "BA or more, 1980" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with less than a high school diploma, 1980"] <- "% Less Than Diploma, 1980" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with a high school diploma only, 1980"] <- "% Diploma, 1980" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults completing some college (1-3 years), 1980"] <- "% AA or more, 1980" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults completing four years of college or higher, 1980"] <- "% BA or more, 1980"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Less than a high school diploma, 1990"] <- "Less Than Diploma, 1990"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "High school diploma only, 1990"] <- "Diploma, 1990" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Some college or associate's degree, 1990"] <- "AA or more, 1990" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Bachelor's degree or higher, 1990"] <- "BA or more, 1990" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with less than a high school diploma, 1990"] <- "% Less Than Diploma, 1990" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with a high school diploma only, 1990"] <- "% Diploma, 1990" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults completing some college or associate's degree, 1990"] <- "% AA or more, 1990" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with a bachelor's degree or higher, 1990"] <- "% BA or more, 1990"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Less than a high school diploma, 2000"] <- "Less Than Diploma, 2000"
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "High school diploma only, 2000"] <- "Diploma, 2000" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Some college or associate's degree, 2000"] <- "AA or more, 2000" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Bachelor's degree or higher, 2000"] <- "BA or more, 2000" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with less than a high school diploma, 2000"] <- "% Less Than Diploma, 2000" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with a high school diploma only, 2000"] <- "% Diploma, 2000" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults completing some college or associate's degree, 2000"] <- "% AA or more, 2000" 
colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty)[colnames(eduLevelsbyCounty) == "Percent of adults with a bachelor's degree or higher, 2000"] <- "% BA or more, 2000"

所以现在我有一个非常大的标题,但问题是我现在想通过将年份分成它自己的列和在其他相应列中达到的教育级别的名称来进一步清理它。我知道 collect() 可以完成我想做的事情,但问题是我的数据集包含多年:1970、1980、1990 和 2000。


标签: rtidy




long<-pivot_longer(df, -c("state", "area_name"),
            names_to = c(".value", "year"), 
            names_sep = "_", values_drop_na = TRUE) 
> long              
# A tibble: 4 x 11
  state area_name year  Less.Than.Diploma Diploma AA.or.more BA.or.more percent.Less.Than.D~ percent.Diploma percent.AA.or.m~ percent.BA.or.m~
  <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>                <dbl>           <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
1     1         2 1970                 71      72         73         74                   75              76               77               78
2     1         2 1980                 81      82         83         84                   85              86               87               88
3     1         2 1990                 91      92         93         94                   95              96               97               98
4     1         2 2000                 21      22         23         24                   25              26               27               28


df <-data.frame(
  "state" = 1, 
  "area_name" =2,
  "Less Than Diploma_1970" = 71,
  "Diploma_1970" = 72,
  "AA or more_1970"  = 73,
  "BA or more_1970"  = 74,
  "percent Less Than Diploma_1970"  = 75,
  "percent Diploma_1970"  = 76,
  "percent AA or more_1970"  = 77,
  "percent BA or more_1970"  = 78,
  "Less Than Diploma_1980"  = 81,
  "Diploma_1980" = 82,
  "AA or more_1980" = 83, 
  "BA or more_1980" = 84, 
  "percent Less Than Diploma_1980" = 85, 
  "percent Diploma_1980" = 86, 
  "percent AA or more_1980" = 87, 
  "percent BA or more_1980" = 88,
  "Less Than Diploma_1990" = 91,
  "Diploma_1990" = 92, 
  "AA or more_1990" = 93, 
  "BA or more_1990" = 94,
  "percent Less Than Diploma_1990" = 95 ,
  "percent Diploma_1990" = 96, 
  "percent AA or more_1990"= 97, 
  "percent BA or more_1990" = 98,
  "Less Than Diploma_2000" = 21,
  "Diploma_2000"  = 22, 
  "AA or more_2000"  = 23, 
  "BA or more_2000"  = 24, 
  "percent Less Than Diploma_2000"  = 25, 
  "percent Diploma_2000"  = 26, 
  "percent AA or more_2000"  = 27, 
  "percent BA or more_2000"  = 28)  
