首页 > 解决方案 > 检测动词是弱动词,否则是强动词


描述:如果动词在结尾包含 d, ed,t 则我们称其为弱动词,如果动词中发生任何元音变化,则根据我的理解,我们将其称为强动词,并在此链接中也提到https ://www.thoughtco.com/difference-between-a-weak-verb-and-a-strong-verb-1691036。& https://writingexplained.org/grammar-dictionary/strong-verbs-vs-weak-verbs我已经实现并尝试涵盖检测弱动词或强动词的所有情况请帮助我创建一个算法来通过覆盖来检测弱动词所有测试用例

from collections import Counter

def is_vowel(char):
    check for char is vowel or not
    return 'aeiou'.__contains__(char.lower())

def LetterCount(text):
    Create the alphabet count dictionary using counter
    return dict(Counter(c for c in text.lower() if c.isalpha()))

def change_vowel_detect(verb1, verb3):
    Checking if the vowel is changing or not 
    input verb1 : verb base form (captured with lemmatization)
          verb3 : verb 3rd form (captured from sentence)
    return :
        status of change_vowel_bool and is_key_mismatch
    change_vowel_bool = False
    is_key_mismatch = False
    verb1_count_dict = LetterCount(verb1)
    verb3_count_dict = LetterCount(verb3)
    for key,value in verb1_count_dict.items():
        #iterate over verb1 count dictionary
        if is_vowel(key):
            #checking verb character is vowel or not
            if key in verb3_count_dict:
                #checking same character is found in other verb dictionary or characters
                if verb1_count_dict[key] != verb3_count_dict[key]:
                    #if both the key count mismatch then status changes 
                    change_vowel_bool  = True

                change_vowel_bool  = True
                is_key_mismatch = True
    return change_vowel_bool, is_key_mismatch

def is_weak_verb(verb1, verb3):
    #change_vowel_bool = False
    change_vowel_bool, is_key_mismatch = change_vowel_detect(verb1, verb3)
    week_verb_bool = False
    #if verb3.endswith('d') or verb3.endswith('t'):
    #week_verb_bool = True
    if verb1 == verb3:
        week_verb_bool = True
    if verb3.endswith('ed') and change_vowel_bool == False:
        week_verb_bool = True
    if (verb3.endswith('d') or verb3.endswith('t')) and is_key_mismatch == True :
        week_verb_bool = True
    return week_verb_bool

print(is_weak_verb('Feed', 'Fed'))      # strong verb
print(is_weak_verb('love', 'loved'))    # Weak verb
print(is_weak_verb('meet', 'met'))      # Weak verb
print(is_weak_verb('put', 'put'))       # weak verb
print(is_weak_verb('wear', 'wore'))     # Strong verb
print(is_weak_verb('bring', 'brought')) # strong verb

标签: python-3.xnlp


由于您似乎需要英语,因此您可能需要考虑仅使用https://verbs.colorado.edu/~mpalmer/projects/verbnet.html 如果您想自己实现它,祝您好运并玩得开心,但很容易获得如果你真的想涵盖所有情况,就会迷失在一长串的例外中......
