首页 > 解决方案 > 列表列表 = TypeError:不可散列的类型:'list'



lst = [['Descendant Without A Conscience', 'good', 'happy'], ['Wolf Of The Solstice', '30000', 'sad'], ['Women Of Hope', '-4000', 'neutral'], ['Pirates Of Perfection', '65467', 'neutral'], ['Warriors And Soldiers', '-5435', 'sad'], ['Butchers And Soldiers', '76542', 'sad'], ['World Of The Mountain', '6536543', 'sad'], ['Ruination Of Dusk', '-2000', 'happy'], ['Destroying The Stars', '5435', 'happy'], ['Blinded In My Enemies', '765745.5', 'happy'], ['Descendant Without A Conscience', 'good', 'happy']]

check_lst = list(set(lst))

for movie in lst:

   if len(movie) > 3:

       raise ValueError('Invalid input.')

   elif movie[2] != movie[2].lower():

       raise ValueError('Invalid input.')

   elif len(lst) != len(check_lst):
       raise ValueError('Invalid input.')

出于某种原因,我的 check_lst 无法正常工作,并且出现 TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'。我正在尝试从我的列表中删除重复项并使我的 check_lst 没有重复项。我错过了什么?

标签: pythonpython-3.xlistsettypeerror



lst = [['Descendant Without A Conscience', 'good', 'happy'], ['Wolf Of The Solstice', '30000', 'sad'], ['Women Of Hope', '-4000', 'neutral'], ['Pirates Of Perfection', '65467', 'neutral'], ['Warriors And Soldiers', '-5435', 'sad'], ['Butchers And Soldiers', '76542', 'sad'], ['World Of The Mountain', '6536543', 'sad'], ['Ruination Of Dusk', '-2000', 'happy'], ['Destroying The Stars', '5435', 'happy'], ['Blinded In My Enemies', '765745.5', 'happy'], ['Descendant Without A Conscience', 'good', 'happy']]

check_lst = list(set(tuple(x) for x in lst))
