首页 > 解决方案 > 在战舰游戏中创建船只


我正在我的一个班级中创建战舰游戏。我在创建“PTBoat”并将其放置在屏幕上时遇到了麻烦。我有一个 10x10 的板,需要帮助来创建初始化船。PTBoat 的大小需要是板上的 2 个点。我想我已经弄清楚了随机的方向、列和行,但我被困在如何在棋盘类中调用它。第一部分是 PTBoat 类,后半部分是 Board 类。主要方法已经为我完全编写好了,所以我没有包括它。

     * Class for the PT Boat of the Battleship Game.
     * Superclass: Ship
     * Subclasses: none
     * Attributes: String name
     *             int charges;
     * name = "PT Boat"
     * size = 2
     * charges - number of depth charges on this PT Boat
     * You must declare the attributes, complete the constructors and
     * write any necessary getters and setters

    public class PTBoat extends Ship
        // instance variables
        public String PTBoat;
        public int charges = 2;
        public int size = 2;

         * Constructors for objects of class Carrier
        public PTBoat(String name, int size)


        public PTBoat(int row, int col, int dir)
            row = (int)(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
            col = (int)(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
            dir = (int)(Math.random() * 2 + 1);      


     * Board class for the Battleship game.  
     * A board is an nxn array containing one each of: Carrier
     *                                                 Battleship
     *                                                 Destroyer
     *                                                 Submarine
     *                                                 PTBoat

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class Board
        // class variables
        // If the number of ships is changed, the constructor must be
        // updated as well

        // When debug is true, positions of ships will be shown when the
        // board is displayed.  This is helpful when testing the game since
        // you won't have to guess the ships' locations.
        final static boolean debug = true;
        final static int board_size = 10;
        final static int num_ships = 5;

        // Characters printed when the board is displayed.  Not all are used.
        final static char hit = 'H';
        final static char miss = 'M';
        final static char used = 'S';
        final static char blank = ' ';
        final static char sunk = 'X';

        // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
        private char[][] board = new char[board_size][board_size];
        private int num_sunk;
        private Ship[] ships = new Ship[num_ships];

        private Scanner scanIn;

         * Default constructor for objects of class Board
        public Board(Scanner s)
            // initialise instance variables
            scanIn = s;

            num_sunk = 0;

            // create the ships
            ships[0] = new PTBoat();
            ships[1] = new Submarine();
            ships[2] = new Destroyer();
            ships[3] = new Battleship();
            ships[4] = new Carrier();

标签: javaparent-child


您对 PTBoat 类有一些误解,让我们从几个开始:

属性之一应该是船名,在本例中为“PT Boat”,但您定义了这个:

public String PTBoat;

所以你的变量被命名为 PTBoat,与错误的类相同。它应该命名为“名称”,如下所示:

public String name;


public PTBoat(String name, int size)
   this.name = name;
   this.size = size;

第二个构造函数看起来像是要设置属性行、col 和 dir,您应该在类中定义这些属性。使用您的代码,您正在重新分配您收到的变量的值,这是无用的。稍后,当您从 Board 实例化船时,您应该使用如下构造函数之一:

ships[0] = new PTBoat("MyAwesomePTBoat", 2);

在您的说明中还提到您需要创建 getter 和 setter,因此您的变量看起来应该是私有的,而不是公共的。getter 是一种返回变量值的简单方法,setter 用于将值设置为给定的值。这些方法是公共的,因此可以从定义它们的类外部调用它们。

无论如何,我建议您查看任何基本的 Java 教程,以更好地理解所有这些概念。
