首页 > 解决方案 > DefectDojo default username and password


I have installed a DEV instance of defectdojo, and I need to find the default login and password. During installation it states:

!  WARNNING: Dev install has hard coded credentials - you have been warned.  !

but it doesn't give the login credentials, only the credentials for the database it created. If I go into the database, the only thing I can find is this:

mysql> select * from dojo_cred_user;
Empty set (0.01 sec)

The official installation guide states that it is user:admin password:administrator But this does not work.

What is the default password and username?

标签: passwords


您可以从官方 docker 文档中执行此命令,链接

$ docker-compose logs initializer | grep "Admin password:"
initializer_1   | Admin password: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
