首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 windows powershell 中的两个日期之间获取日志内容?


在我们的项目中,我们正在获取 AppDynamics 日志(应用程序日志)和机器日志,有时日志的大小会增加,这会耗尽磁盘大小。我要做的是获取两个日期之间的内容,例如 11 月 10 日和 11 月 13 日,然后删除其余日期。由于我们是在windows环境下工作,所以需要在powershell中完成。在 linux 中处理这些事情更容易,但我不擅长 powershell 脚本。下面是代码片段。

[AD Thread-Metric Reporter1] 10 Nov 2019 14:47:32,899 ERROR ManagedMonitorDelegate - Error sending metrics - will requeue for later transmission
com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.metrics.MetricSendException: Connection back off limitation in effect: /controller/instance/702/metrics
    at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.AMetricSubscriber.publish(AMetricSubscriber.java:350)
    at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.MetricReporter.run(MetricReporter.java:113)
    at com.singularity.ee.util.javaspecific.scheduler.AgentScheduledExecutorServiceImpl$SafeRunnable.run` ]
[AD Thread-Metric Reporter1] 11 Nov 2019 14:46:32,899 ERROR ManagedMonitorDelegate - Error sending metrics - will requeue for later transmission
com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.metrics.MetricSendException: Connection back off limitation in effect: /controller/instance/702/metrics
    at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.AMetricSubscriber.publish(AMetricSubscriber.java:350)
    at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.MetricReporter.run(MetricReporter.java:113)
    at com.singularity.ee.util.javaspecific.scheduler.AgentScheduledExecutorServiceImpl$SafeRunnable.run` ]
[extension-scheduler-pool-5] 13 Nov 2019 18:45:40,634  INFO ReportMetricsConfigSupplier - Basic metrics will be collected and reported through the SIM extension because SIM is enabled.
[extension-scheduler-pool-8] 14 Nov 2019 18:47:18,650  INFO ReportMetricsConfigSupplier - Basic metrics will be collected and reported through the SIM extension because SIM is enabled.` ]


# Get Start Time
$startDTM = (Get-Date)
$zstart = Read-Host -prompt '
Enter your start date in "10 Nov" format. Start date must be earlier than stop date.'
$zstop = Read-Host -prompt 'Enter your stop date in "13 Nov" format.  Stop date must be later than start date.'
# $zstart = '10 Nov'
# $zstop = '13 Nov'
$zstart= Select-String $zstart "$env:userprofile\Desktop\machine-log.txt" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber
$zstop= Select-String $zstop "$env:userprofile\Desktop\machine-logtxt" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber
$AppLog = gc $env:userprofile\Desktop\machine-log.txt 
$i = 0
$array = @()
foreach ($line in $AppLog){
foreach-object { $i++ }
if (($i -ge $zstart) -and ($i -le $zstop))
{$array += $line}}
$array | Out-File -encoding ascii -filepath $env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile-output.txt


   8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 8939 8940 8941 8942 8943 
8944 8945 8946 8947 8948". Error: "Cannot convert the "System.Object[]" value of type "System.Object[]" to 
type "System.Int32"."
At C:\Users\xa_abbasmn\Documents\Logs\test.ps1:13 char:5
+ if (($i -ge $zstart) -and ($i -le $zstop))
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ComparisonFailure

Could not compare "18" to "1 15 16 17 31 45 46 47 48 62 76 77 91 105 106 107 121 135 136 137 151 152 196 210 
211 225 239 240 241 255 269 270 271 285 299 300 314 315 329 330 331 332 346 390 404 447 448 449 463 477 478 
492 506 507 508 522 536 537 538 552 566 567 581 582 583 627 641 642 643 657 671 685 686 687 

powershell 和 windows 版本: 名称:Windows PowerShell ISE 主机 - 版本:5.1.14409.1018 名称:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64bit


标签: windowspowershellloggingpowershell-5.0


Windows 10 64 位。Powershell 5. 不需要管理员权限。

如何使用powershell 5快速有效地从input1到input2的大型日志文件中提取文本?


出于测试目的,将您的日志文件复制到桌面并将其命名为 logfile.txt

Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64 位中的默认文本编辑器是什么?见第 42 行。你有什么程序与 .txt 文件相关联?见第 42 行。

# Get Start Time
$startDTM = (Get-Date)
$zstart = Read-Host -prompt '
Enter your start date in "10 Nov" format (w/o quotes). Start date must be earlier than stop date.'
$zstop = Read-Host -prompt 'Enter your stop date in "13 Nov" format (w/o quotes).  Stop date must be later than start date.'
# $zstart = '10 Nov'
# $zstop = '13 Nov'
$zstart= Select-String $zstart "$env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile.txt" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber
$zstop= Select-String $zstop "$env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile.txt" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber
$AppLog = gc $env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile.txt 
$i = 0
$array = @()
foreach ($line in $AppLog){
foreach-object { $i++ }
if (($i -ge $zstart) -and ($i -le $zstop))
{$array += $line}}
$array | Out-File -encoding ascii -filepath $env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile-edited.txt 
# begin get file size 
$y = (Get-ChildItem "$env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile.txt" | Measure-Object -property length -sum)
$y = [System.Math]::Round(($y.Sum /1KB),2) 
$z = (Get-ChildItem "$env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile-edited.txt" | Measure-Object -property length -sum)
$z = [System.Math]::Round(($z.Sum /1KB),2) 
#   end get file size 
# get Stop Time
$endDTM = (Get-Date) 
Write-Host "
Extracted $z KB from $y KB. The extraction took $(($endDTM-$startDTM).totalseconds) seconds"
start-process -wait notepad $env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile-edited.txt
remove-item $env:userprofile\Desktop\logfile-edited.txt 


[AD Thread-Metric Reporter1] 09 Nov 2019 14:48:32,899 ERROR ManagedMonitorDelegate - Error sending metrics
com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.metrics.MetricSendException: Connection back off limitation
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.AMetricSubscriber.publish(AMetricSubscriber.java:350)
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.MetricReporter.run(MetricReporter.java:113)
at com.singularity.ee.util.javaspecific.scheduler.AgentScheduledExecutorServiceImpl$SafeRunnable.run ]

[AD Thread-Metric Reporter1] 10 Nov 2019 14:47:32,899 ERROR ManagedMonitorDelegate - Error sending metrics
com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.metrics.MetricSendException: Connection back off limitation
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.AMetricSubscriber.publish(AMetricSubscriber.java:350)
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.MetricReporter.run(MetricReporter.java:113)
at com.singularity.ee.util.javaspecific.scheduler.AgentScheduledExecutorServiceImpl$SafeRunnable.run ]

[AD Thread-Metric Reporter1] 11 Nov 2019 14:46:32,899 ERROR ManagedMonitorDelegate - Error sending metrics
com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.metrics.MetricSendException: Connection back off limitation
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.AMetricSubscriber.publish(AMetricSubscriber.java:350)
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.MetricReporter.run(MetricReporter.java:113)
at com.singularity.ee.util.javaspecific.scheduler.AgentScheduledExecutorServiceImpl$SafeRunnable.run ]

[extension-scheduler-pool-5] 13 Nov 2019 18:45:40,634  INFO ReportMetricsConfigSupplier - Basic metrics will be collected 
[extension-scheduler-pool-8] 14 Nov 2019 18:47:18,650  INFO ReportMetricsConfigSupplier - Basic metrics will be collected

在 logfile.txt 上运行脚本的结果:

[AD Thread-Metric Reporter1] 10 Nov 2019 14:47:32,899 ERROR ManagedMonitorDelegate - Error sending metrics
com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.metrics.MetricSendException: Connection back off limitation
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.AMetricSubscriber.publish(AMetricSubscriber.java:350)
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.MetricReporter.run(MetricReporter.java:113)
at com.singularity.ee.util.javaspecific.scheduler.AgentScheduledExecutorServiceImpl$SafeRunnable.run ]

[AD Thread-Metric Reporter1] 11 Nov 2019 14:46:32,899 ERROR ManagedMonitorDelegate - Error sending metrics
com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.metrics.MetricSendException: Connection back off limitation
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.AMetricSubscriber.publish(AMetricSubscriber.java:350)
at com.singularity.ee.agent.commonservices.metricgeneration.MetricReporter.run(MetricReporter.java:113)
at com.singularity.ee.util.javaspecific.scheduler.AgentScheduledExecutorServiceImpl$SafeRunnable.run ]

[extension-scheduler-pool-5] 13 Nov 2019 18:45:40,634  INFO ReportMetricsConfigSupplier - Basic metrics will be collected 

Youtube 四小时内的 Powershell

在 Bing 上使用 powershell 解析和提取文本

如何使用powershell 5从第x行到第y行的大型日志文件中快速有效地提取文本?

如何使用powershell 5快速有效地从date1到date2的大型日志文件中提取文本?
