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我基于python中的sugarscape模型实现了一个小型模拟。我在程序中有三个类,当我尝试运行 Q-learning 算法时,我编写的模型会收敛到一个状态并且永远不会改变,因为当我在没有 q-learning 算法的情况下运行模型时,状态总是不同的。


import gym
from gym import error, spaces, utils
from gym.utils import seeding
import logging
import numpy
import sys
import random
from six import StringIO
from agents import Agent
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
from pandas import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ACTIONS = ["N", "E", "S", "W", "EAT"]
list_of_agents = []
list_of_agents_shuffled = {}
number_of_agents_in_list = 0
size_of_environment = 0
agents_dead = 0
initial_number_of_agents = 0
P = {state: {action: []
    for action in range(5)} for state in range(2500)}# 50 * 50 = 2500 positions on the map any agent can be in, then 5 actions that can occur so 2500 * 5 = 12,500 states/actions
state = None
new_state = None
new_row = None
new_col = None
reward = None
done = None
action_performed = None


class SugarscapeEnv(gym.Env):
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}

    def __init__(self):
        super(SugarscapeEnv, self).__init__()
        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(5) #Number of applicable actions
        self.observation_space = spaces.Discrete(50 * 50) # state space on 50 by 50 grid
        self.current_step = 0

    def step(self, action):
        global reward, done, state

        action :

        ob, reward, episode_over, info : tuple
            ob (object) :
                an environment-specific object representing your observation of
                the environment.
            reward (float) :
                amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale
                varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase
                your total reward.
            episode_over (bool) :
                whether it's time to reset the environment again. Most (but not
                all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done
                being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example,
                perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.)
            info (dict) :
                 diagnostic information useful for debugging. It can sometimes
                 be useful for learning (for example, it might contain the raw
                 probabilities behind the environment's last state change).
                 However, official evaluations of your agent are not allowed to
                 use this for learning.
        self._take_action(action) # Perform one action (N, E, S or W)
        #self._agent_s_wealth() # Return agents sugar wealth and information
        # The agents_die method doesn't work properly due to list indexing, need to work on that.
        #self._agents_die() # Have any agents died? If so replace the dead ones with new ones.
        self.current_step += 1
        #self.status = self._get_status() # Are all agents still alive or have they all died?
        #episode_over = self.status == 'ALL AGENTS DEAD' # Have all the agents died?
        return state, reward, done, {} # Return the ob, reward, episode_over and {}

    def _regeneration(self):
        global size_of_environment
        random_sugar = random.randrange(0, 3)
            1. Iterate over all 0 sugar cells of the environment
            2. change the 0 to a random number between 0 - 5 (so at least some sugar is created)
        for x in range(size_of_environment):
            for y in range(size_of_environment):
                if(self.environment[x, y] == 0):
                    self.environment[x, y] = random_sugar

    def _get_P(self):
        global P
        return P

    def _take_action(self, action):
        One action is performed if action is N then agent will consider moving North
        if the sugar in the north cell (distance measured by vision of agent) is greater
        than or equal all other moves W, E or S. If moving North is not lucractive enough
        then agent will randomly move to the next highest paying cell.
        global list_of_agents, ACTIONS, list_of_agents_shuffled, number_of_agents_in_list, size_of_environment, P, state, new_row, new_col, reward, done, action_performed, new_state
        agents_iteration = 0

        #while (number_of_agents != 10): #CHANGE TO 250
        for x in range(size_of_environment):
            for y in range(size_of_environment):
                #while number_of_agents in range(10):

                if agents_iteration < number_of_agents_in_list:
                    if(self.environment[x, y] == "\033[1mX\033[0m" and list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_ID() == agents_iteration):

                        #print(f"agend ID: {list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_ID()} and iteration {agents_iteration}")
                        #current_cell_sugar = self.environment[x, y]

                        state = self.encode(x, y)
                        new_row = x
                        new_col = y
                        reward = self._get_reward()
                        self.status = self._get_status()
                        done = self.status == 'ALL AGENTS DEAD'

                        # Once the agent has been identified in the environment we set the applicable moves and vision variables
                        vision_of_agent = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_vision()
                        move_south = self.environment[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y]
                        move_north = self.environment[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y]
                        move_east = self.environment[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment]
                        move_west = self.environment[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment]

                        # If moving south, north, east or west means coming into contact with another agent
                        # Set that locations sugar to 0
                        if(isinstance(self.environment[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y], str)):
                            move_south = int(0)
                        if(isinstance(self.environment[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y], str)):
                            move_north = int(0)
                        if(isinstance(self.environment[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment], str)):
                            move_east = int(0)
                        if(isinstance(self.environment[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment], str)):
                            move_west = int(0)

                        #print(move_north, move_east, move_south, move_west)

                        # MOVE UP (N)
                        if(action == ACTIONS[0]):
                            if((move_north >= move_south) and
                                (move_north >= move_east) and
                                (move_north >= move_west)):
                                # AGENT COLLECTS SUGAR.
                                # CALCULATE AGENT SUGAR HEALTH
                                # SUGAR AT LOCATION NOW SET TO 0
                                self.environment[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = 0
                                self.environment_duplicate[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = 0
                                #MOVE AGENT TO NEW LOCATION.
                                self.environment[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_visual()
                                self.environment_duplicate[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration]
                                # SET PREVIOUS POSITION CELL TO 0 sugar
                                self.environment[x, y] = 0
                                self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = 0
                                # ADD ACTIONS TO ENV ACT
                                action_performed = 0
                                new_row = (x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment
                                new_col = y

                                self._random_move(agents_iteration, move_south, move_east, move_north, move_west, x, y, vision_of_agent)

                        # MOVE DOWN (S)
                        if(action == ACTIONS[2]):
                            if((move_south >= move_north) and
                                (move_south >= move_east) and
                                (move_south >= move_west)):
                                # AGENT COLLECTS SUGAR.
                                # CALCULATE AGENT SUGAR HEALTH
                                # SUGAR AT LOCATION NOW SET TO 0
                                self.environment[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = 0
                                self.environment_duplicate[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = 0
                                #MOVE AGENT TO NEW LOCATION.
                                self.environment[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_visual()
                                self.environment_duplicate[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration]
                                # SET PREVIOUS POSITION CELL TO 0 sugar
                                self.environment[x, y] = 0
                                self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = 0
                                # ADD ACTIONS TO ENV ACT
                                action_performed = 2
                                new_row = (x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment
                                new_col = y
                                self._random_move(agents_iteration, move_south, move_east, move_north, move_west, x, y, vision_of_agent)

                        # MOVE LEFT (W)
                        if(action == ACTIONS[3]):
                            if((move_west >= move_south) and
                                (move_west >= move_east) and
                                (move_west >= move_north)):
                                # AGENT COLLECTS SUGAR.
                                # CALCULATE AGENT SUGAR HEALTH
                                # SUGAR AT LOCATION NOW SET TO 0
                                self.environment[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = 0
                                self.environment_duplicate[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = 0
                                #MOVE AGENT TO NEW LOCATION.
                                self.environment[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_visual()
                                self.environment_duplicate[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration]
                                # SET PREVIOUS POSITION CELL TO 0 sugar
                                self.environment[x, y] = 0
                                self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = 0
                                # ADD ACTIONS TO ENV ACT
                                action_performed = 3
                                new_row = x
                                new_col = (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment

                                self._random_move(agents_iteration, move_south, move_east, move_north, move_west, x, y, vision_of_agent)

                        # MOVE RIGHT (E)
                        if(action == ACTIONS[1]):
                            if((move_east >= move_south) or
                                (move_east >= move_west) or
                                (move_east >= move_north)):
                                # AGENT COLLECTS SUGAR.
                                # CALCULATE AGENT SUGAR HEALTH
                                # SUGAR AT LOCATION NOW SET TO 0
                                self.environment[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = 0
                                self.environment_duplicate[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = 0
                                #MOVE AGENT TO NEW LOCATION.
                                self.environment[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_visual()
                                self.environment_duplicate[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration]
                                # SET PREVIOUS POSITION CELL TO 0 sugar
                                self.environment[x, y] = 0
                                self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = 0
                                # ADD ACTIONS TO ENV ACT
                                action_performed = 1
                                new_row = x
                                new_col = (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment
                                self._random_move(agents_iteration, move_south, move_east, move_north, move_west, x, y, vision_of_agent)

                        new_state = self.encode(new_row, new_col)
                            (1.0, new_state, reward, done))

                        agents_iteration = agents_iteration + 1

    # state = env.get_state()
    def get_state(self):
        global state
        return state

    def _random_move(self, agents_iteration, move_south, move_east, move_north, move_west, x, y, vision_of_agent):
        global list_of_agents, ACTIONS, list_of_agents_shuffled, size_of_environment, P, state, new_row, new_col, reward, done, action_performed, new_state
        random_move = random.randrange(0, 3)

        if random_move == 0:
            self.environment[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = 0
            self.environment_duplicate[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = 0
            self.environment[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_visual()
            self.environment_duplicate[(x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration]
            self.environment[x, y] = 0
            self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = 0
            action_performed = 0
            new_row = (x + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment
            new_col = y

        elif random_move == 1:
            self.environment[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = 0
            self.environment_duplicate[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = 0
            self.environment[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_visual()
            self.environment_duplicate[x, (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration]
            self.environment[x, y] = 0
            self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = 0
            action_performed = 1
            new_row = x
            new_col = (y + vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment

        elif random_move == 2:
            self.environment[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = 0
            self.environment_duplicate[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = 0
            self.environment[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_visual()
            self.environment_duplicate[(x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment, y] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration]
            self.environment[x, y] = 0
            self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = 0
            action_performed = 2
            new_row = (x - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment
            new_col = y

            self.environment[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = 0
            self.environment_duplicate[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = 0
            self.environment[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration].get_visual()
            self.environment_duplicate[x, (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment] = list_of_agents_shuffled[agents_iteration]
            self.environment[x, y] = 0
            self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = 0
            action_performed = 3
            new_row = x
            new_col = (y - vision_of_agent) % size_of_environment

        new_state = self.encode(new_row, new_col)
            (1.0, new_state, reward, done))

    # 50 * 50
    def encode(self, agent_row, agent_column):
        i = agent_row
        i *= 50
        i = agent_column
        i *= 50
        return i

    def decode(self, i):
        out = []
        out.append(i % 50)
        i = i // 50
        out.append(i % 50)
        i = i // 50
        assert 0 <= i < 50
        return reversed(out)

    def _get_reward(self):
        If all agents have positive s_wealth then reward 1 else 0
        therefore, the Q-learning algorithm will try learn how each agent can
        move to have positive s_wealth each iteration.

        global agents_dead, number_of_agents_in_list

        if (agents_dead == 0):
            return 10
        elif(agents_dead < (number_of_agents_in_list / 2)):
            return 5
            return -1

    def reset(self, number_of_agents_in_list_local, size_of_environment_local):
        global number_of_agents_in_list, list_of_agents, list_of_agents_shuffled, size_of_environment, observation_space_calculated, initial_number_of_agents
        number_of_agents_in_list = number_of_agents_in_list_local
        size_of_environment = size_of_environment_local
        initial_number_of_agents = number_of_agents_in_list_local
        observation_space_calculated = size_of_environment_local
        number_of_agents = 0
        # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state
        self.growth_rate = 1
        self.environment = numpy.empty((size_of_environment,size_of_environment), dtype=numpy.object)
        self.environment_duplicate = numpy.empty((size_of_environment, size_of_environment), dtype=numpy.object)

        # Creating 250 agent objects and putting them into the list_of_agents array.
        for i in range(number_of_agents_in_list): #CHANGE TO 250

        # Looping though the environment and adding random values between 0 and 4
        # This will be sugar levels.
        for i in range(size_of_environment):
            for j in range(size_of_environment):
                self.environment[i, j] = random.randrange(0, 4)

        # Looping 250 times over the environment and randomly placing agents on 0 sugar cells.
        while(number_of_agents != number_of_agents_in_list): #CHANGE TO 250
            x = random.randrange(size_of_environment)
            y = random.randrange(size_of_environment)
            if(self.environment[x, y] == 0):
                self.environment[x, y] = list_of_agents[number_of_agents].get_visual()
                self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = list_of_agents[number_of_agents]
                # Added the agent objects have been placed down randomly onto the environment from first to last.
                list_of_agents_shuffled[number_of_agents] = list_of_agents[number_of_agents]
                number_of_agents = number_of_agents + 1

    def _get_status(self):
        global size_of_environment
            count the environment cells. If there are no X's on the environment
            then count these cells, if the total number of cells in the environment
            is the max size of the cells then all agents have died, else some agents
            are still alive.
        counter = 0
        for i in range(size_of_environment):
            for j in range(size_of_environment):
                if(self.environment[i, j] != "\033[1mX\033[0m"):
                    counter = counter + 1

        if(counter == (size_of_environment * size_of_environment)):
            return 'ALL AGENTS DEAD'
            return 'SOME AGENTS STILL ALIVE'

    def render(self, mode='human', close=False):
            Prints the state of the environment 2D grid

        return('\n'.join([''.join(['{:1}'.format(item) for item in row]) for row in self.environment]))

    def _agent_s_wealth(self):
            Returns the agents information each iteration of the simulation. ID, SUGAR WEALTH and AGE
        for i in range(number_of_agents_in_list):
            print("Agent %s is of age %s and has sugar wealth %s" % (list_of_agents_shuffled[i].get_ID(),list_of_agents_shuffled[i].get_age(), list_of_agents_shuffled[i].get_s_wealth()))

    def _agents_die(self):
            total_simulation_runs increments by 1 each iteration of the simulation
            when the total_simulation_runs == agents.age then agent dies and
            a new agent appears in a random location on the environment.
            number_of_agents_in_list: the number of agents created in the environment originally.
            agent_to_die = the agent whose age is == the frame number
            agent_dead = boolean if agent has died.
        agent_to_die = None
        agent_dead = False
        global number_of_agents_in_list, size_of_environment, agents_dead

        # Remove the agents from the dictionary
        for i in range(number_of_agents_in_list):
            if (list_of_agents_shuffled[i].get_age() == self.current_step):

                """Remove the agent from the list of agents"""
                agent_to_die = list_of_agents_shuffled[i].get_ID()

                del list_of_agents_shuffled[i]
                key_value_of_agent_dead_in_dictionary = i
                # An agent is being deleted from the environment.
                agent_dead = True
                number_of_agents_in_list = number_of_agents_in_list - 1

        if(agent_dead == True):
            agents_dead += 1
            # Remove the agent from the list.
            for i in range(number_of_agents_in_list):
                if agent_to_die == list_of_agents[i].get_ID():
                    del list_of_agents[i]

            # Create a new agent and add it to the list_of_agents list.
            # Add new agent to dictionary.
            list_of_agents_shuffled[key_value_of_agent_dead_in_dictionary] = list_of_agents[len(list_of_agents) - 1]

            #print(f"AGENT AGE ADDED TO DICTIONARY: {list_of_agents_shuffled[key_value_of_agent_dead_in_dictionary].get_age()}")
            # Replace the agent in the Environment with the new agent.
            for x in range(size_of_environment):
                for y in range(size_of_environment):
                    if(self.environment[x, y] == "\033[1mX\033[0m" and self.environment_duplicate[x, y].get_ID() == agent_to_die):
                        # Add new agent to environment where old agent died.
                        self.environment[x, y] = list_of_agents[number_of_agents_in_list].get_visual()
                        self.environment_duplicate[x, y] = list_of_agents[number_of_agents_in_list]

            number_of_agents_in_list += 1


import random
from IPython.display import Markdown, display


class Agent:

    def __init__(self, ID):

        self.vision = random.randrange(1, 6)
        self.metabolic_rate = random.randrange(1, 4)
        self.age = random.randrange(500)
        self.s_wealth = random.randrange(5, 25)
        self.sugar_collected = 0
        self.ID = ID
        self.visual = "\033[1mX\033[0m"

    def get_vision(self):
        return self.vision

    def get_visual(self):
        return self.visual

    def get_metabolic_rate(self):
        return self.metabolic_rate

    def get_age(self):
        return self.age

    def get_s_wealth(self):
        return self.s_wealth

    def calculate_s_wealth(self):
        self.s_wealth = self.sugar_collected - self.metabolic_rate

    def collect_sugar(self, environment_cell_sugar):
        self.sugar_collected = self.sugar_collected + environment_cell_sugar

    def get_ID(self):
        return self.ID

最后是 main.py

from sugarscape_env import SugarscapeEnv
import random
from IPython.display import clear_output
import numpy as np

alpha = 0.1
gamma = 0.6
epsilon = 0.1

all_epochs = []
all_penalties = []
ACTIONS = ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W']

Example scenario run of model
x = SugarscapeEnv()
#x = SugarscapeEnv()
#x.reset(10, 50) # 50 by 50 grid and 10 agents.
q_table = np.zeros([x.observation_space.n, x.action_space.n])

# For plotting metrics
all_epochs = []
all_penalties = []

for j in range(1, 100001):

    x.reset(10, 50) # 50 by 50 grid and 10 agents.
    state = x.get_state()
    print("OLD STATE: ", state)
    epochs, penalties, reward, = 0, 0, 0
    done = False

    for i in range(100):
        if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
            action = random.randrange(4)
            action = np.argmax(q_table[state])

        next_state, reward, done, info = x.step(ACTIONS[action])
        old_value = q_table[state, action]
        next_max = np.max(q_table[next_state])

        new_value = (1 - alpha) * old_value + alpha * (reward + gamma * next_max)

        q_table[state, action] = new_value

        if reward == -1:
            penalties += 1

        state = next_state
        print("NEW STATE: ", state)
        epochs += 1

print("Training finished.\n")

如果您实现上述并运行 main.py 模型将运行,但是,以下输出会超时发生: NEW STATE: 850 NEW STATE: 1800 NEW STATE: 300 NEW STATE: 2300 OLD STATE: 2300 NEW STATE: 2300 NEW STATE: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州: 2300 新州:2300 新州:2300


标签: pythontestingmachine-learningagentq-learning



  • 是否打算_regeneration用相同数量的糖播种整个田地?您随机选择一次值并将其分配给整个字段。看起来很奇怪,因为所有图块现在对特工都具有相同的吸引力。
  • 所有代理都收到相同的动作,例如向北移动,而不是每个代理自己做出决定
  • 奇怪的是动作可以被一些逻辑覆盖:不要执行动作,因为它不是最好的,所以随机动作
  • state只是一列代理乘以 50,它应该是什么意思?它看起来根本与糖的分配无关。
  • 我没有看到q_table新生成的字段正在更新;看起来逻辑如下:以 10% 的机会随机移动,以 90% 的机会查看是否new_state之前遇到过,然后选择最佳行动。这里有多个问题:状态不代表场和糖,不考虑代理新职位。


PS 是否受到 Primer ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKzJFdi57J53Vr_BkTfN3uQ ) 视频的启发?
