首页 > 解决方案 > 带有计时器触发器和 RunOnStartup 的 Python 中的 Azure 函数在本地失败,并出现错误“未找到任何已初始化的语言工作者”


我在 Python 中有一个带有计时器触发器的 Azure 函数。为了按需进行本地测试,我将 RunOnStartup 选项设置为 True(此处为 Microsoft 文档)。

我的简化 Python 代码如下所示:

import logging
import azure.functions as func
import sendgrid
from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient
import azure.storage.blob
from azure.storage.blob import BlobServiceClient, BlobClient, ContainerClient
import wikipedia
import json, os
from datetime import datetime


def main(mytimer: func.TimerRequest, inputblob: func.InputStream) -> None:
    utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(

    if mytimer.past_due:
        logging.info('The timer is past due!')

    logging.info('Python timer trigger function ran at %s', utc_timestamp)

    // Do stuff

我的 function.json (带有计时器触发器和 blob 输入绑定):

  "scriptFile": "__init__.py",
  "bindings": [
      "name": "mytimer",
      "type": "timerTrigger",
      "direction": "in",
      "schedule": "0 30 9 * * *",
      "runOnStartup": true
      "name": "inputblob",
      "type": "blob",
      "path": "sharefiles/versionIds.json",
      "connection": "shareFilesConnString",
      "direction": "in"


  "version": "2.0",
  "extensionBundle": {
      "id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
      "version": "[1.*, 2.0.0)"


System.Private.CoreLib:执行函数时出现异常:Functions.. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script:未找到任何已初始化的语言工作者。

Executing task: .venv\Scripts\activate ; func host start <

Found Python version 3.7.5 (python).

            @   %%%%%%    @
          @@   %%%%%%      @@
       @@@    %%%%%%%%%%%    @@@
     @@      %%%%%%%%%%        @@
       @@         %%%%       @@
         @@      %%%       @@
           @@    %%      @@

Azure Functions Core Tools (2.7.1948 Commit hash: 29a0626ded3ae99c4111f66763f27bb9fb564103)    
Function Runtime Version: 2.0.12888.0
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] File 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe' is not found, 'dotnet' invocation will rely on the PATH environment variable.
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Building host: startup suppressed: 'False', configuration suppressed: 'False', startup operation id: 'ca4aefed-0190-45d6-9ad6-d22c0cd6abf1'
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Reading host configuration file 'C:\Users\<redacted>\Desktop\TimerTrigger\host.json'
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Host configuration file read:
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] {
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM]   "version": "2.0",
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM]   "extensionBundle": {
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM]     "id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM]     "version": "[1.*, 2.0.0)"
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM]   }
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] }
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Looking for extension bundle Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle 
at C:\Users\<redacted>\AppData\Local\Temp\Functions\ExtensionBundles\Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Found a matching extension bundle at C:\Users\<redacted>\AppData\Local\Temp\Functions\ExtensionBundles\Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle\1.1.1
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Fetching information on versions of extension bundle Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle available on https://functionscdn.azureedge.net/public/ExtensionBundles/Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle/index.json
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Skipping bundle download since it already exists at path C:\Users\<redacted>\AppData\Local\Temp\Functions\ExtensionBundles\Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle\1.1.1
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Loading Extention bundle from C:\Users\<redacted>\AppData\Local\Temp\Functions\ExtensionBundles\Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle\1.1.1
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Reading functions metadata
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] 1 functions found
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Loading startup extension 'AzureStorage'
[12/10/2019 8:11:29 PM] Loaded extension 'AzureStorage' (
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] File 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe' is not found, 'dotnet' invocation will rely on the PATH environment variable.
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Initializing Warmup Extension.
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Initializing Host. OperationId: 'ca4aefed-0190-45d6-9ad6-d22c0cd6abf1'.[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Host initialization: ConsecutiveErrors=0, StartupCount=1, OperationId=ca4aefed-0190-45d6-9ad6-d22c0cd6abf1
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] LoggerFilterOptions
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "MinLevel": "None",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "Rules": [
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]     {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "ProviderName": null,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "CategoryName": null,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "LogLevel": null,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "Filter": "<AddFilter>b__0"
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]     },
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]     {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "ProviderName": "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost.Diagnostics.SystemLoggerProvider",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "CategoryName": null,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "LogLevel": "None",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "Filter": null
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]     },
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]     {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "ProviderName": "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost.Diagnostics.SystemLoggerProvider",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "CategoryName": null,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "LogLevel": null,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]       "Filter": "<AddFilter>b__0"
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]     }
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   ]
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] }
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] FunctionResultAggregatorOptions
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "BatchSize": 1000,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "FlushTimeout": "00:00:30",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "IsEnabled": true
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] }
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] SingletonOptions
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "LockPeriod": "00:00:15",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "ListenerLockPeriod": "00:00:15",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "LockAcquisitionTimeout": "10675199.02:48:05.4775807",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "LockAcquisitionPollingInterval": "00:00:05",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "ListenerLockRecoveryPollingInterval": "00:01:00"
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] }
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] QueuesOptions
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "BatchSize": 16,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "NewBatchThreshold": 8,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "MaxPollingInterval": "00:00:02",
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "MaxDequeueCount": 5,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "VisibilityTimeout": "00:00:00"
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] }
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] BlobsOptions
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "CentralizedPoisonQueue": false
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] }
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] HttpOptions
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] {
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "DynamicThrottlesEnabled": false,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "MaxConcurrentRequests": -1,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "MaxOutstandingRequests": -1,
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM]   "RoutePrefix": "api"
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] }
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Starting JobHost
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Starting Host (HostId=desktopl8i1u40-13243865, InstanceId=49bcc245-e949-45fd-b731-1e5ccd7ebbdc, Version=2.0.12888.0, ProcessId=10432, AppDomainId=1, InDebugMode=False, InDiagnosticMode=False, FunctionsExtensionVersion=~2)
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Loading functions metadata
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] 1 functions loaded
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Loading proxies metadata
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Initializing Azure Function proxies
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] 0 proxies loaded
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Starting worker process:python  c:/Users/<redacted>/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2019.11.50794/pythonFiles/ptvsd_launcher.py --default --host --port 9091 --wait "C:\Users\<redacted>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\azure-functions-core-tools\bin\workers\python\3.7/WINDOWS/X64/worker.py" --host --port 55800 --workerId 0edae10c-af7f-4e37-8d13-382365306813 --requestId d0d3851a-1ee8-411d-bb74-426ab04b44b6 --grpcMaxMessageLength 134217728
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] python process with Id=13188 started
[12/10/2019 8:11:30 PM] Generating 1 job function(s)
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM] Found the following functions:
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM] Host.Functions.<functionname>
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM]
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM] Initializing function HTTP routes
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM] No HTTP routes mapped
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM]
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM] Host initialized (546ms)
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM] Executing 'Functions.<functionname>' (Reason='Timer fired at 2019-12-10T15:11:31.5531175-05:00', Id=6176e5d6-c860-4bf7-80e5-712b8919310d)
[12/10/2019 8:11:31 PM] Trigger Details: UnscheduledInvocationReason: RunOnStartup
[12/10/2019 8:12:30 PM] Starting worker process failed
[12/10/2019 8:12:30 PM] The operation has timed out.
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] Starting worker process:python  c:/Users/<redacted>/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2019.11.50794/pythonFiles/ptvsd_launcher.py --default --host --port 9091 --wait "C:\Users\<redacted>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\azure-functions-core-tools\bin\workers\python\3.7/WINDOWS/X64/worker.py" --host --port 55800 --workerId d68b30e0-3146-43f7-92bf-5a8f57ebf3a1 --requestId a4e0053f-b28d-44e1-9671-ac1431349d8e --grpcMaxMessageLength 134217728
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] python process with Id=1524 started
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] Executed 'Functions.<functionname>' (Failed, Id=6176e5d6-c860-4bf7-80e5-712b8919310d)
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: Functions.<functionname>. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script: Did not find any initialized language workers.
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] The next 5 occurrences of the '<functionname>' schedule (Cron: '0 30 9 * * *') will be:
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] 12/11/2019 09:30:00-05:00 (12/11/2019 14:30:00Z)
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] 12/12/2019 09:30:00-05:00 (12/12/2019 14:30:00Z)
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] 12/13/2019 09:30:00-05:00 (12/13/2019 14:30:00Z)
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] 12/14/2019 09:30:00-05:00 (12/14/2019 14:30:00Z)
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] 12/15/2019 09:30:00-05:00 (12/15/2019 14:30:00Z)
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM]
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] Host started (61122ms)
[12/10/2019 8:12:31 PM] Job host started
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: C:\Users\<redacted>\Desktop\TimerTrigger
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
[12/10/2019 8:12:36 PM] Host lock lease acquired by instance ID '00000000000000000000000086626BD5'.
[12/10/2019 8:12:37 PM]  INFO: Starting Azure Functions Python Worker.
[12/10/2019 8:12:37 PM]  INFO: Worker ID: d68b30e0-3146-43f7-92bf-5a8f57ebf3a1, Request ID: a4e0053f-b28d-44e1-9671-ac1431349d8e, Host Address:        
[12/10/2019 8:12:37 PM]  INFO: Successfully opened gRPC channel to
[12/10/2019 8:12:37 PM]  INFO: Received WorkerInitRequest, request ID a4e0053f-b28d-44e1-9671-ac1431349d8e
[12/10/2019 8:12:37 PM]  INFO: Received FunctionLoadRequest, request ID: a4e0053f-b28d-44e1-9671-ac1431349d8e, function ID: 1cf61de1-d4a3-4011-8695-98d4a973f1a9       
[12/10/2019 8:12:37 PM]  INFO: Successfully processed FunctionLoadRequest, request ID: a4e0053f-b28d-44e1-9671-ac1431349d8e, function ID: 1cf61de1-d4a3-4011-8695-98d4a973f1a9


标签: pythonazurevisual-studio-codeazure-functions





dotnet.exe首先,请检查下是否有C:\Program Files\dotnet



    "azureFunctions.deploySubpath": ".",
    "azureFunctions.scmDoBuildDuringDeployment": true,
    "azureFunctions.pythonVenv": ".venv",
    "azureFunctions.projectLanguage": "Python",
    "azureFunctions.projectRuntime": "~2",
    "debug.internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen",
    "python.pythonPath": ".venv\\Scripts\\python.exe"



请像这样更改 settings.json:

    "azureFunctions.deploySubpath": ".",
    "azureFunctions.scmDoBuildDuringDeployment": true,
    "azureFunctions.pythonVenv": ".venv",
    "azureFunctions.projectLanguage": "Python",
    "azureFunctions.projectRuntime": "~2",
    "debug.internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen",
    "python.pythonPath": "/path/to/your/venv/bin/python"






    "python.pythonPath": "xxxxxxxxx",


    "python.pythonPath": "/path/to/your/venv/bin/python",

