首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 SwiftUI 中将 .enumerated() 与 ForEach 一起使用?


这是一个按预期工作的简单 SwiftUI 列表:

struct App: View {
  let items = Array(100...200)
  var body: some View {
    List {
      ForEach(items, id: \.self) { index, item in
        Text("Item \(item)")
    }.frame(width: 200, height: 200)


在 'ForEach' 上引用初始化程序 'init(_:id:content:)' 要求 '(offset: Int, element: Int)' 符合 'Hashable'

在 'ForEach' 上引用初始化程序 'init(_:id:content:)' 要求 'EnumeratedSequence<[Int]>' 符合 'RandomAccessCollection'


标签: swiftswiftui



警告:如果您养成使用enumerated()with的习惯ForEach,您可能有一天会遇到异常EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTIONFatal error: Index out of bounds异常。这是因为并非所有集合都有从 0 开始的索引。


ForEach(Array(zip(items.indices, items)), id: \.0) { index, item in
  // index and item are both safe to use here

id: \.1(如果您的物品符合,您也可以使用Identifiable。)


从技术上讲,这不是最正确的方法。todos使用索引集合压缩数组会更正确,也更详细。在这种情况下,我们是安全的,因为我们正在处理一个简单的基于 0 的索引数组,但是如果我们在生产中这样做,我们可能应该使用zip基于 - 的方法。

Apple 的枚举函数文档也提到了这一点:

    /// Returns a sequence of pairs (*n*, *x*), where *n* represents a
    /// consecutive integer starting at zero and *x* represents an element of
    /// the sequence.
    /// This example enumerates the characters of the string "Swift" and prints
    /// each character along with its place in the string.
    ///     for (n, c) in "Swift".enumerated() {
    ///         print("\(n): '\(c)'")
    ///     }
    ///     // Prints "0: 'S'"
    ///     // Prints "1: 'w'"
    ///     // Prints "2: 'i'"
    ///     // Prints "3: 'f'"
    ///     // Prints "4: 't'"
    /// When you enumerate a collection, the integer part of each pair is a counter
    /// for the enumeration, but is not necessarily the index of the paired value.
    /// These counters can be used as indices only in instances of zero-based,
    /// integer-indexed collections, such as `Array` and `ContiguousArray`. For
    /// other collections the counters may be out of range or of the wrong type
    /// to use as an index. To iterate over the elements of a collection with its
    /// indices, use the `zip(_:_:)` function.
    /// This example iterates over the indices and elements of a set, building a
    /// list consisting of indices of names with five or fewer letters.
    ///     let names: Set = ["Sofia", "Camilla", "Martina", "Mateo", "Nicolás"]
    ///     var shorterIndices: [Set<String>.Index] = []
    ///     for (i, name) in zip(names.indices, names) {
    ///         if name.count <= 5 {
    ///             shorterIndices.append(i)
    ///         }
    ///     }
    /// Now that the `shorterIndices` array holds the indices of the shorter
    /// names in the `names` set, you can use those indices to access elements in
    /// the set.
    ///     for i in shorterIndices {
    ///         print(names[i])
    ///     }
    ///     // Prints "Sofia"
    ///     // Prints "Mateo"
    /// - Returns: A sequence of pairs enumerating the sequence.
    /// - Complexity: O(1)

在您的特定情况下enumerated()可以使用,因为您使用的是基于 0 的索引数组,但是由于上述详细信息,始终依赖enumerated()可能会导致不明显的错误。


ForEach(Array(items.enumerated()), id: \.offset) { offset, item in
  Button(item, action: { store.didTapItem(at: offset) })

// ...

class Store {

  var items: ArraySlice<String>

  func didTapItem(at index: Int) {




更喜欢的另一个原因zip是,如果您尝试将相同的代码与不同的集合(例如 Set)一起使用,则在索引类型 ( ) 时可能会出现以下语法错误items[index]




你可以在 Playground 中测试这一切:

import PlaygroundSupport
import SwiftUI

// MARK: - Array

let array = ["a", "b", "c"]
Array(array.enumerated()) // [(offset 0, element "a"), (offset 1, element "b"), (offset 2, element "c")]
Array(zip(array.indices, array)) // [(.0 0, .1 "a"), (.0 1, .1 "b"), (.0 2, .1 "c")]

let arrayView = Group {
  ForEach(Array(array.enumerated()), id: \.offset) { offset, element in
    PrintView("offset: \(offset), element: \(element)")
    Text("value: \(array[offset])")
//  offset: 0, element: a
//  offset: 1, element: b
//  offset: 2, element: c

  ForEach(Array(zip(array.indices, array)), id: \.0) { index, element in
    PrintView("index: \(index), element: \(element)")
    Text("value: \(array[index])")
//  index: 0, element: a
//  index: 1, element: b
//  index: 2, element: c

// MARK: - Array Slice

let arraySlice = array[1...2] // ["b", "c"]
Array(arraySlice.enumerated()) // [(offset 0, element "b"), (offset 1, element "c")]
Array(zip(arraySlice.indices, arraySlice)) // [(.0 1, .1 "b"), (.0 2, .1 "c")]

// arraySlice[0] // ❌ EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION
arraySlice[1] // "b"
arraySlice[2] // "c"

let arraySliceView = Group {
  ForEach(Array(arraySlice.enumerated()), id: \.offset) { offset, element in
    PrintView("offset: \(offset), element: \(element)")
    // Text("value: \(arraySlice[offset])") ❌ Fatal error: Index out of bounds
//  offset: 0, element: b
//  offset: 1, element: c

  ForEach(Array(zip(arraySlice.indices, arraySlice)), id: \.0) { index, element in
    PrintView("index: \(index), element: \(element)")
    Text("value: \(arraySlice[index])")
//  index: 1, element: b
//  index: 2, element: c

// MARK: - Set

let set: Set = ["a", "b", "c"]
Array(set.enumerated()) // [(offset 0, element "b"), (offset 1, element "c"), (offset 2, element "a")]
Array(zip(set.indices, set)) // [({…}, .1 "a"), ({…}, .1 "b"), ({…}, .1 "c")]

let setView = Group {
  ForEach(Array(set.enumerated()), id: \.offset) { offset, element in
    PrintView("offset: \(offset), element: \(element)")
    // Text("value: \(set[offset])") // ❌ Syntax error: Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'Set<String>.Index'
//  offset: 0, element: a
//  offset: 1, element: b
//  offset: 2, element: c

  ForEach(Array(zip(set.indices, set)), id: \.0) { index, element in
    PrintView("index: \(index), element: \(element)")
    Text("value: \(set[index])")
//  index: Index(_variant: Swift.Set<Swift.String>.Index._Variant.native(Swift._HashTable.Index(bucket: Swift._HashTable.Bucket(offset: 0), age: -481854246))), element: a
//  index: Index(_variant: Swift.Set<Swift.String>.Index._Variant.native(Swift._HashTable.Index(bucket: Swift._HashTable.Bucket(offset: 2), age: -481854246))), element: b
//  index: Index(_variant: Swift.Set<Swift.String>.Index._Variant.native(Swift._HashTable.Index(bucket: Swift._HashTable.Bucket(offset: 3), age: -481854246))), element: c


// MARK: -

struct PrintView: View {
  init(_ string: String) {
    self.string = string

  var string: String

  var body: some View {

let allViews = Group {

