首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Python 中递归地使用我的函数?



import random

def getwords(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
        text = file.read().lower()

    stop_letters = (".", ",", ";", ":", "'s", '"', "!", "?", "(", ")", '“', '”')
    text = ''.join([letter if letter not in stop_letters else '' for letter in text])

    words = text.split()
    return words

def compute_bigrams(fileName):
  input_list = getwords(fileName)
  bigram_list = {}
  for i in range(len(input_list) - 1):
    if input_list[i] in bigram_list:
      bigram_list[input_list[i]] = bigram_list[input_list[i]] + [input_list[i + 1]]
    else :
     bigram_list[input_list[i]] = [input_list[i + 1]]
  return bigram_list

wordReturn = int(input("How many words is your output?: "))
accessKey = int(input("Choose a key: "))

#Return key name from input and corresponding list
def generateBigramsText(fileName):
 bigrams = compute_bigrams(fileName)

 key = list(bigrams.keys())[accessKey]
 bigramWord =  bigrams[list(bigrams.keys())[accessKey]]

 return key , bigramWord

#Use Tuple to print key and random word from BigramWord list
def generateRandomText(fileName):
 bigram2 = generateBigramsText(fileName)
 thisKey = bigram2[0]
 newList = list(bigram2[1])
 nextWord = random.choice(newList)

 for x in range(wordReturn):
  thisKey = nextWord
  return thisKey

标签: pythonpython-3.x

