首页 > 解决方案 > 无法从 .gdbinit 获取文件


我有一个~/.gdb_bps包含 GDB 断点的文件。我用save breakpoints .gdb_bps. 我试图在 GDB 开始时通过将此行添加到以下位置来获取此文件 ~/.gdbinit

source .gdb_bps

当我启动 GDB 时,我得到了错误:

No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) [answered N; input not from terminal]

但是 GDB 会话期间的采购按预期工作:

(gdb) source .gdb_bps
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401227: file test/varargs2_test.c, line 22.
Breakpoint 2 at 0x4012a3: file test/varargs2_test.c, line 27.
Breakpoint 3 at 0x40117b: file test/varargs2_test.c, line 9.
Breakpoint 4 at 0x401256: file test/varargs2_test.c, line 25.

我的问题是为什么source .gdb_bps在使用它时会出错~/.gdbinit

标签: cgdbbreakpointsgdbinit



虽然它需要一些设置,但将断点保存为可以自动加载的 gdb 脚本可能是最简洁的方法。


~/devel$ mkdir ~/gdbscripts
~/devel$ cat ~/.gdbinit
add-auto-load-safe-path /home/mp/gdbscripts
add-auto-load-scripts-directory /home/mp/gdbscripts
set debug auto-load on


现在让我们看看 gdb 在哪里寻找它的脚本文件。

~/devel$ gdb -q sigw
Reading symbols from sigw...done.
auto-load: Attempted file "/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.gdb" does not exist.
auto-load: Expanded $-variables to "/usr/lib/debug:/usr/share/gdb/auto-load:/home/mp/gdbscripts".
auto-load: Searching 'set auto-load scripts-directory' path "$debugdir:$datadir/auto-load:/home/mp/gdbscripts".
auto-load: Attempted file "/usr/lib/debug/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.gdb" does not exist.
auto-load: Attempted file "/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.gdb" does not exist.
auto-load: Attempted file "/home/mp/gdbscripts/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.gdb" does not exist.
auto-load: Attempted file "/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.py" does not exist.
auto-load: Expanded $-variables to "/usr/lib/debug:/usr/share/gdb/auto-load:/home/mp/gdbscripts".
auto-load: Searching 'set auto-load scripts-directory' path "$debugdir:$datadir/auto-load:/home/mp/gdbscripts".
auto-load: Attempted file "/usr/lib/debug/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.py" does not exist.
auto-load: Attempted file "/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.py" does not exist.
auto-load: Attempted file "/home/mp/gdbscripts/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.py" does not exist.

那里有几个不错的候选者,其中一些只能由 root 写入,其中一些需要添加到安全路径中。让我们使用~/gdbscripts/$PWD/sigw-gdb.gdb.

(gdb) shell mkdir -p ~/gdbscripts/$PWD
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x84f: file sigw.c, line 15.
(gdb) save breakpoints ~/gdbscripts/$PWD/sigw-gdb.gdb
Unable to open file '/home/mp/gdbscripts/$PWD/sigw-gdb.gdb' for saving (No such file or directory)


(gdb) save breakpoints ~/gdbscripts/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.gdb
Saved to file '/home/mp/gdbscripts/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.gdb'.


(gdb) quit
~/devel$ gdb -q sigw
Reading symbols from sigw...done.
auto-load: Matching file "/home/mp/gdbscripts/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.gdb" to pattern "/home/mp/gdbscripts"
auto-load: Matched - file "/home/mp/gdbscripts" to pattern "/home/mp/gdbscripts".
auto-load: File "/home/mp/gdbscripts/home/mp/devel/sigw-gdb.gdb" matches directory "/home/mp/gdbscripts".
Breakpoint 1 at 0x84f: file sigw.c, line 15.
(gdb) i b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000000084f in main at sigw.c:15
