首页 > 解决方案 > EasyPost 是否有任何文档显示请求的原始 JSON,包括标头?或者例如邮递员系列?


我只是在为与 EasyPost 的 Shipping API 的集成做准备,这将是服务器端 C#,但我们总是为新的集成构建一个 PostMan 集合,这样如果出现问题,我们可以独立于应用程序测试数据。虽然我确实喜欢 EP 提供 C# 库和示例这一事实,但我正在努力寻找任何只为我提供所需标头列表和任何请求正文的原始 JSON 格式的东西。感觉有点像他们只是有点有帮助了。我可能会查看 Orders 端点。


标签: jsoneasypost


EasyPost does not provide a public Postman collection; however, here is an example of a shipment Postman body (raw) that could be used. You can adjust the values, actions, objects, etc to your needs.

Using the following, you shouldn't need to pass any headers. You'll pass your API key under the username field with the Basic Auth authorization type.

    "shipment": {
        "to_address": {
            "id": "adr_123..."
        "from_address": {
            "id": "adr_123..."
        "parcel": {
            "id": "prcl_123..."
        "carrier_accounts": {
            "id": "ca_123..."
        "options": {
            "address_validation_level": "0"
    "format": "json",
    "controller": "shipments",
    "action": "create"
