首页 > 解决方案 > How to convert an array [] to a series of { key: value } paired objects?


I'm looking to transform this...

  [ 'market', 'type', 'timeframe', 'proximal', 'distal', 'risk', 'tradeable' ], // object keys
  [ 'AD', 'DZ', 'daily', '0.6375', '0.6283', '$920.00', 'FALSE' ] // key values

into this...

    market: 'AD', 
    type : 'DZ', 
    timeframe: 'daily', 
    proximal: '0.6375', 
    distal: '0.6283', 
    risk: '$920.00', 
    tradeable: 'FALSE' 

So far, here's what I have...

// each element of the array (I call a 'zone')
data.forEach(z => {

  // each element inside the 'zone'
  z.forEach(e => {

    // headings to object keys, where k = key and v = value
    const obj = headings.reduce((k,v) => (k[v]="",k),{})


console.log(obj) outputs this to the console:

Object {
  distal: "",
  market: "",
  proximal: "",
  risk: "",
  timeframe: "",
  tradeable: "",
  type: ""

I just cant figure out how to get the values into those key pairs, PLEASE HELP!!

Thanks in advance,


标签: javascriptarraysobjectfunctional-programmingdata-manipulation


Try using it like this:

function reinterpret(data) {
  let result = {}
  data[0].forEach((key, index) => {
    result[key] = data[1][index];
  return [result];
