首页 > 解决方案 > 将 Access 数据库转换为后期绑定以使用 Access 运行时


我在 Access 数据库 2016 中编写了包含函数和宏的代码,然后我移动了这个文件以与一些没有 Access 应用程序的用户共享,所以我安装了 Access 运行时它运行良好,但我在参考库方面遇到了很多问题。我决定使用后期绑定(通过在 VBA 编辑器的数据库属性中写入 EarlyBinding = 0)并取消选中除两个之外的所有引用(我无法取消选中)和隐蔽

Set appWord = New Word.Application

Set appWord = CreateObject(Word.Application)

注 1:我有一个从 Access 表单打开 Word 文档的功能。注意2:我在后期绑定中进行更改后将数据库扩展名从.accdb转换为.accdr,并转换上一个语句没有出现消息错误(供参考)但打开Word的功能不起作用。是否有类似 Word 的 Access 运行时的工具?所以我不能因为这个原因打开?在这个函数的代码下面:

Function fillWordForm()

Dim appWord As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim path As String
Dim myID As String

On Error Resume Next

'Set appWord = CreateObject("word.application")
Set appWord = CreateObject(Word.Application)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Set appWord = New Word.Application
'Set appWord = CreateObject(Word.Application)
appWord.Visible = True
End If

'path = Application.CurrentProject.path & "\H_F.docx"

'path = "\\ubcdatacenter\Public\UBCIEDatabase\DOC\H_F.docx"
path = "C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\UBC Database\H_F.docx"
If FileExists(path) = False Then
MsgBox "Template File Not Found", vbExclamation, "File Not Found"
Set doc = appWord.Documents.Add(path, , True)
myID = DLookup("ID", "Exports_imports_Table", "[ID] = " & Me.ID)
With doc
.FormFields("BookID").Result = [ID]
.FormFields("Book_BC_date").Result = Me.date_BC
.FormFields("Book_AH_date").Result = Me.date_AH
.FormFields("Book_AH_date").Result = Me.date_AH
.FormFields("BookTopic").Result = Me.topic
.FormFields("BookProjectName").Result = Me.projectName
.FormFields("BookCompanyName").Result = Me.companyName
.FormFields("BookContent").Range.Text = Me.content

'Result = Me.content

appWord.Visible = True
End With
Set doc = Nothing
Set appWord = Nothing

End If
End Function


Function FileExists(ByVal strFile As String, Optional bFindFolders As Boolean) As Boolean
    'Purpose:   Return True if the file exists, even if it is hidden.
    'Arguments: strFile: File name to look for. Current directory searched if no path included.
    '           bFindFolders. If strFile is a folder, FileExists() returns False unless this argument is True.
    'Note:      Does not look inside subdirectories for the file.
    'Author:    Allen Browne. http://allenbrowne.com June, 2006.
    Dim lngAttributes As Long

    'Include read-only files, hidden files, system files.
    lngAttributes = (vbReadOnly Or vbHidden Or vbSystem)

    If bFindFolders Then
        lngAttributes = (lngAttributes Or vbDirectory) 'Include folders as well.
        'Strip any trailing slash, so Dir does not look inside the folder.
        Do While Right$(strFile, 1) = "\"
            strFile = Left$(strFile, Len(strFile) - 1)
    End If

    'If Dir() returns something, the file exists.
    On Error Resume Next
    FileExists = (Len(Dir(strFile, lngAttributes)) > 0)
End Function

还应该转换什么以使所有代码后期绑定? Mathieu修改后的编辑


Dim appWord As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim path As String
Dim myID As String

On Error Resume Next

Set appWord = GetWordApp
If appWord Is Nothing Then
    'can't get ahold of Word.Application... now what?
    MsgBox "No thing :(((((((((((((("
    'Exit Sub
End If

appWord.Visible = True '<~ unconditional

'Set appWord = CreateObject("word.application")
'Set appWord = CreateObject(Word.Application)
'If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Set appWord = New Word.Application
'Set appWord = CreateObject(Word.Application)
'appWord.Visible = True
'End If

'path = Application.CurrentProject.path & "\H_F.docx"

path = "\\ubcdatacenter\Public\UBCIEDatabase\DOC\H_F.docx"
'path = "C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\UBC Database\H_F.docx"
If FileExists(path) = False Then
MsgBox "Template File Not Found", vbExclamation, "File Not Found"
Set doc = appWord.Documents.Add(path, , True)
myID = DLookup("ID", "Exports_imports_Table", "[ID] = " & Me.ID)
With doc
.FormFields("BookID").Result = [ID]
.FormFields("Book_BC_date").Result = Me.date_BC
.FormFields("Book_AH_date").Result = Me.date_AH
.FormFields("Book_AH_date").Result = Me.date_AH
.FormFields("BookTopic").Result = Me.topic
.FormFields("BookProjectName").Result = Me.projectName
.FormFields("BookCompanyName").Result = Me.companyName
.FormFields("BookContent").Range.Text = Me.content

'Result = Me.content

appWord.Visible = True
End With
Set doc = Nothing
Set appWord = Nothing

End If
End Function

Private Function GetWordApp() As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set GetWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End Function

标签: vbams-accessruntime


'Set appWord = CreateObject("word.application")
Set appWord = CreateObject(Word.Application)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Set appWord = New Word.Application
'Set appWord = CreateObject(Word.Application)
appWord.Visible = True
End If

这段代码有几个问题。CreateObject想要一个 ProgID 字符串,而您正在给它Word.Application,它甚至不应该编译(期望成员调用上的“需要对象”错误,.Application以及“未声明变量” 1Word)。如果它可以编译,则您已引用 Word 对象库并需要将其删除。注释掉的语句格式正确。

现在If Err.Number <> 0, then appWordwas not Set, 它的参考是Nothing. 这意味着如果CreateObject失败,代码将进入错误状态并在过程的其余部分保持错误状态,因为错误永远不会清除,错误处理也永远不会恢复。


Private Function GetWordApp() As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set GetWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End Function


Set appWord = GetWordApp
If appWord Is Nothing Then
    'can't get ahold of Word.Application... now what?
    Exit Sub
End if

appWord.Visible = True '<~ unconditional

1假设Option Explicit是在模块的顶部,因为它应该是。
