首页 > 解决方案 > 写入 MTLTexture 会导致致命错误



// Create device.
id<MTLDevice> dev = MTLCreateDefaultSystemDevice();

// Size of texture.
const unsigned int W = 640;
const unsigned int H = 480;

// Define texture.
MTLTextureDescriptor *desc = [[MTLTextureDescriptor alloc] init];
desc.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm;
desc.width = W;
desc.height = H;

// Create texture.
id<MTLTexture> tex = [device newTextureWithDescriptor:desc];


现在,给定另一个纹理tex2(已知已分配和可访问)和定义如下的 Metal 计算内核。

kernel void foo(texture2d<float, access::read> in [[texture(0)]],
                texture2d<float, access::write> out [[texture(1)]],
                uint2 pix [[thread_position_in_grid]]) {
    // Out of bounds check.
    if (pix.x >= out.get_width() || pix.y >= out.get_height()) {

    // Do some processing on the input texture.
    // ... All fine up to here.

    // Write out a pixel to the output buffer.
    const float4 p = abc; // abc is computed above.
    out.write(p, pix);

据我了解,当像素p被写入时out, 的值p将被转换为符合 的像素格式tex,在这种情况下MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm


// Create a Metal library.
id<MTLLibrary> lib = [dev newDefaultLibrary];

// Load the kernel.
id<MTLFunction> kernel = [lib newFunctionWithName:@"foo"];

// Create a pipeline state.
id<MTLComputePipelineState> pipelineState = [dev newComputePipelineStateWithFunction:kernel error:NULL];

// Create a command queue.
id<MTLCommandQueue> cmdQueue = [dev newCommandQueue];

// Create command buffer.
id<MTLCommandBuffer> cmdBuff = [cmdQueue commandBuffer];

// Create compute encoder.
id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> enc = [cmdBuff computeCommandEncoder];

// Set the pipeline state.
[enc setComputePipelineState:pipelineState];

// Set the input textures (tex2 is read only in the kernel, as above).
[enc setTexture:tex2 atIndex:0];
[enc setTexture:tex atIndex:1];

// 2D launch configuration.
const MTLSize groupDim = MTLSizeMake(16, 16, 1);
const MTLSize gridDim = MTLSizeMake((int)ceil((float)(W / (float)groupDim.width)),
                                    (int)ceil((float)(H / (float)groupDim.height)),

// Launch kernel.
[enc dispatchThreadgroups:gridDim threadsPerThreadgroup:groupDim];
[enc endEncoding];
[enc commit];
[cmdBuff waitUntilCompleted];

我的问题是,在上述情况下,我对如何分配 MTLTexture正确的理解?或者,上面的示例是否仅在我需要单独分配的某些纹理周围定义一个包装器?

标签: iosobjective-ctexturesmetalcompute-shader


上述纹理分配和计算内核启动是正确的。在进一步挖掘文档后,丢失的部分usageMTLTextureDescriptor. 在文档中,说明了以下内容。

此属性的默认值为 MTLTextureUsageShaderRead。


desc.usage = MTLTextureUsageShaderWrite;
