首页 > 解决方案 > Javascript模板文字缺少变量值



const name = document.getElementById('name')
const food = document.getElementById('food')
const age = document.getElementById('age')
const submitBtton = document.getElementById('submit')
const letter = document.getElementById('letter')
function output(){
  letter.textContent = 
  `Happy Birthday ${name.value}! You're turning ${age.value}
   This is a big accomplishment, we must celebrate. Are you free next week for some ${food.value}?`
  <input type = "text" id = "name" placeholder = "name">
  <input type = 'text' id = 'food' placeholder = 'food'>
  <input type = 'text' id = 'age' placeholder = 'age'>
  <button id = 'submit' type = 'button' >Submit</button>
  <button id = 'resetting' type = 'reset'>Reset</button>
<p id = "letter"></p>

上面的工作很好,但是如果其他一切都保持不变,但我将 letter.textContent 分配给另一个包含模板文字的变量:

  const paragraph =
    `Happy Birthday ${name.value}! You're turning ${age.value}
    This is a big accomplishment, we must celebrate. Are you free next week for some ${food.value}?`` 
  function output() {letter.textContent = paragraph}

该程序仅在大约 30% 的时间内有效。字符串文字输出正常,但变量 - 名称、年龄和食物并不总是出现?这是为什么?

标签: javascripthtmlweb


该脚本在加载后获取 ,value和属性。nameagefood

   * This part will be executred once when the script is loaded
   *  At this phase your "name.value", "age.value", and "food.value" are empty
   * */
  const paragraph =
    `Happy Birthday ${name.value}! You're turning ${age.value}
                         This is a big accomplishment, we must celebrate. Are you free next week for 
                         some ${food.value}?`

  // This function will be called everytime, and it will return the same result
  // because "paragraph" variable didn't change
  function output() {
    letter.textContent = paragraph


  submitBtton.addEventListener('click', output)

在 Javascript 中,字符串按值传递:因此,例如,当您调用时name.value,您只是复制了该值,它是一个空字符串""

因此,如果您想在函数paragraph之外拥有并“更新值” output,只需将其设为函数,以便每次都会调用它,然后它将获取新值。



  <input type="text" id="name" placeholder="name">
  <input type='text' id='food' placeholder='food'>
  <input type='text' id='age' placeholder='age'>

  <button id='submit' type='button'>Submit</button>
  <button id='resetting' type='reset'>Reset</button>

<p id="letter"></p>

  const name = document.getElementById('name')
  const food = document.getElementById('food')
  const age = document.getElementById('age')

  const submitBtton = document.getElementById('submit')
  const letter = document.getElementById('letter')

  function getParagraph() {
   return `Happy Birthday ${name.value}! You're turning ${age.value}
                     This is a big accomplishment, we must celebrate. Are you free next week for 
                     some ${food.value}?`

  function output() {
    letter.textContent = getParagraph()
  submitBtton.addEventListener('click', output)
