首页 > 解决方案 > 根据列的条件组合熊猫行(矢量化)



import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"a":[None, None, "hello1","hello2", None,"hello4","hello5","hello6", None, "hello8", None,"hello10",None ] , "b": ["we", "are the world", "we", "love", "the", "world", "so", "much", "and", "dance", "every", "day", "yeah"]})

    a   b
0   None    we
1   None    are the world
2   hello1  we
3   hello2  love
4   None    the
5   hello4  world
6   hello5  so
7   hello6  much
8   None    and
9   hello8  dance
10  None    every
11  hello10 day
12  None    yeah


    a       b       new_text
0   Intro   we      we are the world
2   hello1  we      we
3   hello2  love    love the
5   hello4  world   world
6   hello5  so      so
7   hello6  much    much and
9   hello8  dance   dance every
11  hello10 day     day yeah

我有一个功能可以做到这一点,但它在 pandas 中使用,这可能不是最好的解决方案。

def connect_rows_on_condition(df, new_col_name, text, condition):
    if df[condition][0] == None:
        df[condition][0] = "Intro" 
    df[new_col_name] = ""
    index = 1
    last_non_none = 0
    while index < len(df):
        if df[condition][index] != None:
            last_non_none = index
            df[new_col_name][last_non_none] = df[text][index]

        elif df[condition][index] == None :
            df[new_col_name][last_non_none] = df[text][last_non_none] + " " + df[text][index]

        index += 1 

    output_df = df[df[condition].isna() == False]
    return output_df

主要逻辑是,如果在“a”列中为无,则将 b 中的文本放入之前的行中。有没有不基于循环的解决方案?

标签: pythonpandastextvectorization



grouping = df.a.notnull().cumsum()

然后,对于 a 列,我们可以使用第一个元素,对于 b 列,我们想要连接所有元素:

df.groupby(grouping).agg({'a': 'first', 'b': ' '.join})


         a                 b
0     None  we are the world
1   hello1                we
2   hello2          love the
3   hello4             world
4   hello5                so
5   hello6          much and
6   hello8       dance every
7  hello10          day yeah

