首页 > 解决方案 > Unity C#:transform.up 不会随着对象旋转而更新


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject player;
    public Rigidbody2D playerRB;
    public Transform playerTF;

    public float moveForce;
    public float rotateForce;

    private string currentMoveKey = "";
    private string currentRotateKey = "";

    void Update()
        if(Input.GetKey("w") && currentMoveKey == "")
            currentMoveKey = "w";

            playerRB.AddForce(transform.up * moveForce * Time.deltaTime);

        if (Input.GetKeyUp("w") && currentMoveKey == "w")
            playerRB.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);//resets when keyup and not already reset

            currentMoveKey = "";

        if (Input.GetKey("s") && currentMoveKey == "")
            currentMoveKey = "s";

            playerRB.AddForce(transform.up * -moveForce * Time.deltaTime);

        if (Input.GetKeyUp("s") && currentMoveKey == "s")
            playerRB.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);

            currentMoveKey = "";
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("a") && currentRotateKey == "")
            currentRotateKey = "a";
        if (Input.GetKey("a") && currentRotateKey == "a")
            playerTF.Rotate(transform.forward * rotateForce * Time.deltaTime);
        if (Input.GetKeyUp("a") && currentRotateKey == "a")
            currentRotateKey = "";

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("d") && currentRotateKey == "")
            currentRotateKey = "d";
        if (Input.GetKey("d") && currentRotateKey == "d")
            playerTF.Rotate(transform.forward * -rotateForce * Time.deltaTime);
        if (Input.GetKeyUp("d") && currentRotateKey == "d")
            currentRotateKey = "";

嘿!出于某种原因,在我将强制添加到 RigidBody2D 的行中,如果我在玩家移动的同时旋转玩家 - 从而改变 transform.up 指向的位置 - 玩家继续朝他最初指向的方向移动. 换句话说,他看起来像是在滑动,我必须停止移动并再次开始移动以更新他指向的方向。我能做些什么来解决这个问题,以便当他旋转时,他移动的方向会同时更新?

标签: c#unity3dtransform



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject player;
    public Rigidbody2D playerRB;
    public Transform playerTF;

    public float moveForce;
    public float rotateForce;

    private Vector3 movement;

    private string currentRotateKey = "";

    void Update()
        //move in Local space
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
            movement += Vector3.up;

        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.W))
            movement -= Vector3.up;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
            movement -= Vector3.up;

        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.S))
            movement += Vector3.up;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("a") && currentRotateKey == "")
            currentRotateKey = "a";
        if (Input.GetKey("a") && currentRotateKey == "a")
            playerTF.Rotate(transform.forward * rotateForce * Time.deltaTime);
        if (Input.GetKeyUp("a") && currentRotateKey == "a")
            currentRotateKey = "";

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("d") && currentRotateKey == "")
            currentRotateKey = "d";
        if (Input.GetKey("d") && currentRotateKey == "d")
            playerTF.Rotate(transform.forward * -rotateForce * Time.deltaTime);
        if (Input.GetKeyUp("d") && currentRotateKey == "d")
            currentRotateKey = "";

        // Implicit cast from Vector3 to Vector2, takes X and Ys

    public void ApplyMovement(Vector2 movement)
        playerRB.velocity = player.transform.TransformDirection(movement.x, movement.y, 0) * moveForce * Time.deltaTime;

我发现使用KeyCode枚举而不是字符串值更简洁一些,而且我喜欢跟踪Vector3 movement类的本地而不是检查currentMovementKey. 这使您可以一次按下多个键,并在编译时捕获拼写错误。


movement在本地空间中处理,使用Vector3.up而不是transform.up避免旋转时出现错误,然后当应用于 时,playerRB.velocity我们可以使用转换回世界空间player.transform.TransformDirection(movement.x, movement.y, 0)transform.TransformDirection(movement.x, movement.y, 0)如果此组件与 RigidBody2D 组件位于同一 GameObject 上也可能)。


    public void ApplyMovement(Vector3 movement)
        if (movement.sqrMagnitude > Mathf.Epsilon)
            playerRB.drag = 0; // or some other small value
            if (playerRB.velocity.sqrMagnitude > Mathf.Epsilon)
                playerRB.velocity = player.transform.TransformDirection(movement.normalized) * playerRB.velocity.magnitude;

            playerRB.AddRelativeForce(movement * moveForce * Time.deltaTime);
            playerRB.drag = 100f; // or some other value larger than the small one

我们现在正在做的是检查我们是否有不可忽略的(基本上为 0)的运动量来应用,如果是,那么我们不会施加阻力,因为那样我们会减慢我们的正加速度这使得在设置游戏时很难预测你应该拥有什么值。

由于我们现在对物体没有阻力,它应该根据物理学漂移。这就是你目前看到的。如果我们不希望这样,我们可以检查我们是否有不可忽略的(基本上为 0)速度量,并将其与我们想要的运动方向对齐。不要忘记它movement仍然在本地空间中,并且playerRB.velocity在世界空间中。


