首页 > 解决方案 > 位置无效:纬度必须是数字


我正在尝试使用 geofirestore 执行GeoQuery。我想获取给定集合中 1000 半径内的所有文档。

这是我的 .js 文件:

const GeoFirestore = require('geofirestore').GeoFirestore;
const GeoPoint = require('geopoint');
const firebase = require('firebase');

    projectId : 'my-project-id'

module.exports = {
   getLocalDocuments: getLocalDocuments

async function getLocalDocuments() {
    let latitude = 38.9537323;
    let longitude = -77.3507578;
    let radius = 1000;

    // Create a Firestore reference
    const firestore = firebase.firestore();

    // Create a GeoFirestore reference
    const geofirestore = new GeoFirestore(firestore);

    // Create a GeoCollection reference
    const geocollection = geofirestore.collection('myDocs');

    const query = geocollection.near({
        center: new GeoPoint(latitude, longitude),

    // Get query (as Promise)

    await query.get().then((value) => {
        console.log(`value.docs: ${value.docs}`); // All docs returned by GeoQuery


Error: Invalid location: latitude must be a number
    at validateLocation (/srv/node_modules/geofirestore/dist/index.cjs.js:567:15)
    at validateQueryCriteria (/srv/node_modules/geofirestore/dist/index.cjs.js:600:9)
    at GeoCollectionReference.GeoQuery.near (/srv/node_modules/geofirestore/dist/index.cjs.js:1416:9)
    at getLocalDocuments (/srv/utils/locationService.js:45:33)
    at Object.getLocalDocuments (/srv/utils/locationService.js:58:11)
    at buildLocalTPRecipients (/srv/utils/notificationInstructorGenerator.js:370:43)
    at notifyTPOfLocalJobsInstructionGenerator (/srv/utils/notificationInstructorGenerator.js:255:32)
    at Object.generateNewJobInstructions (/srv/utils/notificationInstructorGenerator.js:98:29)
    at handleOnCreate (/srv/db/jobs/onCreate.f.js:20:53)
    at cloudFunction (/srv/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/cloud-functions.js:131:23)


function validateLocation(location, flag) {
    if (flag === void 0) { flag = false; }
    var error;
    if (!location) {
        error = 'GeoPoint must exist';
    else if (typeof location.latitude === 'undefined') {
        error = 'latitude must exist on GeoPoint';
    else if (typeof location.longitude === 'undefined') {
        error = 'longitude must exist on GeoPoint';
    else {
        var latitude = location.latitude;
        var longitude = location.longitude;
        if (typeof latitude !== 'number' || isNaN(latitude)) {
            error = 'latitude must be a number';
        else if (latitude < -90 || latitude > 90) {
            error = 'latitude must be within the range [-90, 90]';
        else if (typeof longitude !== 'number' || isNaN(longitude)) {
            error = 'longitude must be a number';
        else if (longitude < -180 || longitude > 180) {
            error = 'longitude must be within the range [-180, 180]';
    if (typeof error !== 'undefined' && !flag) {
        throw new Error('Invalid location: ' + error);
    else {
        return !error;

知道为什么说纬度不是数字吗?我检查了 isNaN() 和其他方法,他们都说这是一个数字。

标签: javascriptnode.jsfirebasegoogle-cloud-firestoregeofirestore



const firebase = require('firebase');
const GeoPoint = firebase.firestore.GeoPoint;

