首页 > 解决方案 > Redux Thunk `([arg(s)]) => dispatch =>` 的目的?


下面的代码来自 Brad Traversy 在 MERN 堆栈上的 Udemy 课程。我是 Redux 和 Redux Thunk 的新手,我试图了解其目的=> dispatch =>是什么。我知道它来自 Redux Thunk,它是在 Redux 存储文件中设置的。我认为dispatch这里使用它是为了从这个函数调度多个动作,并读到= ([arg(s)]) => dispatch =>语法是柯里化的一个例子(尽管这看起来不正确,因为柯里化每个函数都有一个参数)。

我将不胜感激任何帮助理解=> dispatch =>


export const setAlert = (msg, alertType, timeout = 5000) => dispatch => {
  const id = uuidv4();
    type: SET_ALERT,
    payload: { msg, alertType, id }

  setTimeout(() => dispatch({ type: REMOVE_ALERT, payload: id }), timeout);

标签: reactjsreduxredux-thunk




2) Redux-Thunk 允许您将表单的函数(dispatch) => {}用作操作(代替更普通的对象表单{ type, payload }


// This is an action creator (a function that returns an action)
// This doesn't use redux thunk, the action is just a simple object.
// Because it's an action creator you can pass in arguments
// Because it's not a thunk you can't control when then dispatch happens
const setAlertActionCreator = (msg, alertType) => {
  const id = uuidv4();
  return {
    type: SET_ALERT,
    payload: { msg, alertType, id }

// You use this as:
dispatch(setAlertActionCreator("msg", "type"));

// This is not an action creator it's just an action.
// This IS a redux-thunk action (it's a (dispatch) => {} function not a simple object)
// Because it's not an action creator you can't pass in arguments to get a custom action back
// Because it IS a redux-thunk action you can dispatch more actions later
const setAlertThunk = (dispatch) => {
  setTimeout(() => dispatch({
    type: SET_ALERT,
    payload: {
      message: "fixed message",
      alertType: "fixed alertType",
      id: "fixed id",
  }), 5000);

// You use this as:

// When you combine both patterns you gain the ability
// to both pass in arguments and to create additional dispatches
// as the function runs (in this case dispatching again after a timeout.)
// I won't repeat your code, but will show how you would call it:

dispatch(setAlertActionCreator("msg", "type"));

// ie: you use it the same way as example 1.
