首页 > 解决方案 > 我在 for 循环中大写了太多元素,但仅在特定索引上


我不知道为什么,但在这种方法中,第 5 和第 10 个元素每次都被大写。我找不到原因。例如:传递“ZpglnRxqenU”作为参数应该返回:“Z-Pp-Ggg-Lllll-Nnnnn-Rrrrrr-Xxxxxxx-Qqqqqqqq-Eeeeeeeee-Nnnnnnnnnnn-Uuuuuuuuuuu”,而是返回:“Z-Pp-Ggg-Llll-Nnnnn -RRRRRR-Xxxxxxx-Qqqqqqqq-Eeeeeeeee-Nnnnnnnnnn-UUUUUUUUUUU"

请注意,与其他字符不同,R 和 U 都是大写的。

 * The purpose of this method is to receive a string, deconstruct it by characters
 * and save it in array, then iterate through this array creating a new string
 * where each character will be represented the number of times equivalent to its
 * position in the array + 1 while upperCasing every 1st occurrence of the character
 * and separating every set of character repetitions with "-".
 * @param string
 * @return String
public String builder (String string){

    Here we split the string we receive by characters and save these characters in
    a new array called strArr.
    String[] strArr = string.split("");
    String finalString = "";

    We iterate through the array of characters adding "-" each time we start to
    represent a new character.
    We add the characters N times where N is the order of appearance in the string
    we receive as param.
    for (int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) {
        if(i > 0){
            finalString += "-";
        for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++) {
            if(j == 0){
                this is upperCasing every 5th and 10th character for some reason
                // TODO: 26/12/2019 stop upperCasing 5th and 10th element. 
                finalString += strArr[i].toUpperCase();
            finalString += strArr[i];
    return finalString;

标签: javaarraysstringfor-loopuppercase


你必须首先添加这一行: string = string.toLowerCase();


 string = string.toLowerCase();
Here we split the string we receive by characters and save these characters in
a new array called strArr.
String[] strArr = string.split("");
String finalString = "";

We iterate through the array of characters adding "-" each time we start to
represent a new character.
We add the characters N times where N is the order of appearance in the string
we receive as param.
for (int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) {
    if(i > 0){
        finalString += "-";
    for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++) {
        if(j == 0){
            this is upperCasing every 5th and 10th character for some reason
            // TODO: 26/12/2019 stop upperCasing 5th and 10th element. 
            finalString += strArr[i].toUpperCase();
        finalString += strArr[i];
return finalString;

